So Much..

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 Everyone all made it back to the hotel. They were supposed to be leaving Japan tomorrow. The boys were all extremely worried about [Y/N]. She had just broke up with the guy she had really liked, maybe she needed someone to talk to? None of them knew what to do.
They all stood outside her room door.

 They stared blankly at each other.

 "What do we do..?"
"Don't we go inside?"
"I'm scared."

"Wait what am I supposed to say?"
"Are we supposed to hug her?"
"I don't know.."
"Does she want to talk right now?"
"What if he breaks down. I can't see that."
"Me neither."
"How do we-"

 Before the conversation can continue between the boys, [Y/N] had opened the door. They all had shocked faces. She had raised her eyebrows slightly, though it wasn't a surprise that they were there.

 "Uh-Uhm..[Y/N]..hi..are you alright?" Yoongi nervously asked. "Yeah i'm fine. What about you guys? You're just standing at the door.." She said softly.
"Uh we were just uh..uh..checking up on you.." Jungkook scratched the back of his head. The others agreed by nodding. [Y/N] smiled and playfully pushed Jungkook, "Tsk guys, i'm fine..!" She dragged her last word. 

 They still looked at her concerned. "I was just..packing my things for tomorrow.." She said softly. Namjoon stared at her expression.
"Oh yeah I forgot to pack myself." Hoseok says and rushes down the hall. "Me too!" Jungkook went.
She laughed at them. 

 When all the boys went, Namjoon was the only one left standing there. [Y/N] looked up at him,

"What're you-"

 Namjoon wrapped his arms around her before she could finish. He let his head rest on her shoulder. "I know you aren't fine. And that's alright. Even if you didn't love him that much, it still hurts that he's done this to you. It always hurts.." Namjoon says.

 Both stood there for a second. [Y/N] was taken aback from his sudden move, but he was right. It did hurt. Though, she put up a happy front to the boys so they wouldn't worry so much. She tends to do that alot when something disturbs her. But Namjoon, he always knows.

 [Y/N] slowly hugged him back. Two drops of tears rolling down her cheek. "Thank you Namjoon.." She says softly. " doesn't hurt because he cheated on me. It hurts because I left you guys for him. I left town, I..separated myself from you. I become distant and a stranger. And you guys were always there for me, and I left.." She spoke.

 Namjoon nodded, taking in her words. "Right..but you're not a bad guy [Y/N]. We understand, it was your first relationship in a while. We can't blame you for having a life of your own." Namjoon explained.

 [Y/N] released the hug, "You know Namjoon, one thing to know about you is that you're so understanding..even if I committed murder you'd hug me and tell me it'll be alright." [Y/N] joked, wiping a tear.

 Namjoon put his hands in his pockets and winced, unsure of that scenario, "Uhh? Y-Yeah?" He nodded quickly. Both of them laughed.

 Then two knocks came onto the wall, "Hey loser. Come pack." Yoongi called for Namjoon. 
Namjoon looked at him, then turned back to [Y/N].

 He pointed his thumb to his right, "I gotta.."

 "Yeah." She nodded. He smiled and slowly walked away. Then she shut the door, smiling widely. Her heart thumped in her chest.

 Everyone was on their flight. Jimin and Hoseok sat in front of [Y/N], Jin and Yoongi behind her, and next to her was Jungkook.

 Namjoon and Taehyung sat behind Jin and Yoongi. Jungkook sat by the window and pointed at the outside as the plane took off.
"Cool huh?" He stared into [Y/N]'s soul, but with an easy and simple smile.

 She nodded, agreeing. Jungkook sighed, "Well? Had fun in Japan?" Jungkook shrugged and continued to watch her. 
"Yup!" She answered. "Well.." Jungkook shifted in his seat "..that's perfect." He sat. He had a small pillow behind his head and rest on it.

 He closed his eyes. [Y/N] watched him, "You must be so tired.." She commented with a smile. "Oh much working out ya know?" Jungkook flexed his left arm.

 [Y/N] giggled, "Okay. Whatever you say jeongguk." She jokes. His eyes were still closed though he chuckled at his nickname. "Jeongguk.." He repeated.

 "What..? You don't like it?" [Y/N] asks. "Well. If it's you calling me it then i'm fine by it." He responded. [Y/N]'s face turned soft as she watched him slowly drift into sleep.

 The noise from the airplane and the tiring packing could easily drift anyone into a deep sleep. [Y/N] lifted her hand and messed with Jungkook's hair as he slept. [Y/N] gave a soft sigh that was barely audible.

 Then, the plane shifted and everything shook slightly. That's when Jungkook's head went from the seat, to onto [Y/N]'s shoulder. She gasped as soon as it happened. His eyes were still closed. Both [Y/N]'s hands were up, afraid to do anything.

 That's when, they slowly and hesitantly, wrapped themselves around Jungkook. Her hands continued to play with his hair gently as the flight went on.

 She watched him sleep. Of course, Jungkook was very handsome as he slept. [Y/N]'s heart beat in her chest, hard. "What to do.." She muttered to herself, pouting a bit.

 "I do feel like the bad guy sometimes..maybe I am..but..I don't wanna break anyone's heart. But it seems as though if I don't make a move soon, everyone will be hurt.." She mumbled to herself as she continued to mess with Jungkook's hair.

 "I'm scared that if I choose one of you..I lose the rest of you..i'm scared that if I don't choose..I lose all of you.." She mumbled again.

 She softly sighed again, "What to do..what to-" Suddenly Jungkook grabbed her wrist tightly, [Y/N] gasped at the sudden action. Then, he slowly wrapped his arms around her arm and rested there.

 [Y/N] watched him. "I love you [Y/N].." He mumbled. [Y/N] stared into space. Her mouth was open a bit.
" much.." Jungkook winced a little and moved closer. 

 Her heart beat in her chest louder. Her pulse went faster. Now she was even more confused. Taehyung..Jimin..and now Jungkook? 

 She bit her bottom lip. Though, Jungkook soft and gentle appearance calmed her down more and her body became less tense. She relaxed in her seat and laid her head back.

 Now she was really caught in a loop. How was this possibly going to go?

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