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after you and yoongi finished breakfast, yoongi called jimin to see if the two of you could come over. 

yoongi was currently on the phone with jimin, blabbering away like a fool. 

"so, that a yes?" yoongi asked, pacing around the small living space.

"it is? okay, we'll be over in a few,"

"bye." yoongi hung up the phone and put his plate in the sink. "i think we should leave in like ten minutes." yoongi announced. you nodded and went to the room to change clothes. you looked through your boring color assortment that consisted of greys, blacks and tans. you chose a flowy, creamy, beige dress that halted just below your knees.

your shoes were a short black heel. jimin had bought them for you on your seventeenth birthday, and they still fit. yoongi walked in the room as you brushed out you hair. you turned to him and smiled. 

he was wearing something simple. a black pair of jeans, black shoes and a plain white shirt. he grabbed the hat that laid on a table. "you almost ready?" he asked and you nodded. "yeah, just have to finish doing my hair." you said, continuing the annoyingly repetitive task. 

yoongi ran a hand through your silky hair and left the room. you slightly sighed, running the brush back in the spot he disrupted. 

you did one final stroke and set the brush down, leaving the room. yoongi was standing beside the door, spinning keys around his finger. "let's go." your voice nearly echoed in the silent space. yoongi looked up. he gently smiled and opened the door as you began to walk out of it.

you two got into yoongi's car, taking a small trip to jimin's home. you preferred walking apposed to driving but you appreciated the ride anyhow. 

the ride consisted of loud music and no talking. it was nice and uncomfortable at the same time. though you liked to veer more towards nice.

yoongi arrived at jimin's and he exited the car alongside you. 

you linked your arms with your boyfriend's and headed to the partially glowing house. 

you lightly knocked with the rhythm jimin and you used as just for company. jimin opened the door and bowed his head at your arrival. 

"hello! i'm making lunch, it should be done soon." jimin said as he let the two of you inside. yoongi smiled and walked over to the semi-small table placed in between the kitchen and living room. you followed along. 

"what're you making?" you asked as you peered over to the stove that held a variety of pots and pans. 

"if i'm honest, i'm not too sure. it's something with crab? i think? i just saw this recipe and it had good reviews, so i figured it'd be nice." 

you laughed and yoongi shrugged. "sounds...great." you let off a grin. jimin joined and went back to cooking. 

there were three plates and a few forks and spoons laid out across the table. on the counter was placed a wine bottle and a fresh glass to be used. you thought about drinking it, as long as yoongi didn't have any. it was early now but you didn't expect to be leaving just after eating.

normally, you never drank. it wasn't a pleasant feeling to you. but sometimes, you'd like to have a little of something here and there, just to do it. for the simple fact that it was intoxicating. 

you looked down to your hands that were trying their best to stay still. yoongi was leaned back in the chair, with a phone in his hand. he stared at the bright screen, not giving his eyes a rest.

you let off a slightly grimaced expression, feeling a little bored yourself. your phone was in your pocket but you were feeling too lazy to find something to do on there.

you reached over and gently grabbed yoongi's hand that held his phone, placing it on the table. "why aren't you communicating with your own species?" you asked. yoongi sighed, "i'm sorry." yoongi's lips pouted and it made you feel all bubbly inside. 

your lips pouted with his. "how have you been?" you asked him with simple intention. he bit his lip and looked at you, "really good. i get to see you all the time." he smiled widely. a sweet smile left your lips. "awe. that's adorable." you said.

"not as adorable as you." he replied. your skin lightly blushed, "you're annoying." you rolled your eyes jokingly. yoongi just stared at you, pure love intertwined within his dark eyes. he watched as you giggled and how the rest of the world went fuzzy.

unlike anyone in the world - yoongi [completed]Where stories live. Discover now