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"food's done!" jimin yelled out. you looked over to see him wiping his sweaty forehead with a towel. "yay!" you yelled back. you hoped up and went beside jimin, helping him make plates. 

"this actually looks good." you looked at all the food around. it was almost definitely way too much but you didn't mind, more for later. you made yoongi's plate as well as yours and jimin made his own. 

the two of you brought the plates to the table and jimin sat across from yoongi. "does anyone want water?" you asked, still standing. jimin nodded and yoongi joined. "thank you minah." yoongi said and you smiled.

you got three neatly clean cups from a near by cabinet. as jimin and yoongi talked you filled each of the cups, listening in. 

"do you like crab?" jimin asked. "umm, i've never had it before." yoongi replied. "i think it's pretty good to be honest. it just looks really gross." jimin had a fork in hand. 

you lightly chuckled and walked over with the full drinks. jimin and yoongi thanked you as you took a seat beside yoongi.  all three of you took a bite at the same time and had different reactions. yoongi's eyebrows raised as he said, "this is good." you just closed you eyes and savored the taste while jimin looked surprised, "huh, it actually worked." 

 you all laughed to yourselves. 


the evening began to set in and everyone went to play video games. the boys ended up playing the creeper game while you watched again. yoongi was trying to build 'a fortress' and jimin was breaking trees.

you still didn't fully get the concept of the game but let it go anyway. you walked into the kitchen and eyed the wine bottle sitting on the counter. 

you've never really had wine before, maybe a few glasses or so but not much. however out of all alcoholic drinks wine was the one you didn't totally mind having. 

yoongi and jimin were in the living room chatting away about the game in front of them.

"did you get the coal yet?" yoongi asked jimin who was now running through a big field. "nooo, i told you already i'm trying to find a village." jimin sighed. yoongi laughed at his annoyance. "okay, fine, i'll get it then." 

"hey jimin," you yelled to him. "yeah?" he asked not taking his eyes off the screen. "can i drink this?" you pointed to the wine and he looked over to you.  "uh, sure." he said back, looking towards the screen again. 

you opened the bottle in front of you and poured it into the rather tall glass beside it. you took a sip and the nasty flavor filled your mouth. "why the hell am i doing this?" you spoke to yourself. you simply shrugged and took another sip, keeping your eyes on the screen that was not too far away. your boyfriend and jimin weren't really talking anymore, however their eyes stared intensely at the dark surroundings. 

"don't get blown up again!" you yelled over to jimin, remembering the last time he stayed in the night time. yoongi giggled and jimin's face scrunched up, "i wonnnn't". you laughed and sat at the table you ate lunch on. 

you finished your drink fast, and stood to receive more. 


the game ended nearly an hour ago and you laid across the couch, drunk. yoongi and jimin were out of sight but you just assumed they were talking or something. the things you laid eyes on were slightly fuzzy and you felt tired and dizzy.

"yoongi." you let out quietly, wanting to see him. your arms fell to the side of the couch as you were pouting to see him. "yooongii!" you yelled. but no one came. you sighed and stood up slowly. 

you were moving all around the house looking for him. "yoongi, you better come here you little bitch!" you yelled out, slurring your words ever so slightly. as you moved along you started to hear yelling.

"no! minah's in there asleep and she's calling for you, you need to go talk to her and help her to bed!" you recognized the voice as jimin's. 

"oh my god, what's this new mood you're showing?" the other voice said in a husky tone. it was yoongi's. you looked into the room to see jimin staring at yoongi angrily and yoongi holding a secretive grin.

you shook your head as the room was blurry. suddenly your stomach knotted and you ran to the bathroom, throwing up. your vision was getting worse as you sat on the floor. 

yoongi walked in and leaned down, pulling your hair out of your face. "oh minah, you're not a drinker. what are you doing?" he quietly commented. he stood and grabbed a cloth, wetting it and bringing it to clean your dirty face.

"let's get you to bed." he picked you up and brought you to jimin's room. jimin walked in and gave you a cup of water, which you drank. yoongi pushed back the hair off of your face and kissed your forehead. 

jimin pushed yoongi out of the room and the bickering started up again. 

"get the fuck out of my house!" jimin yelled. 

"my girlfriend's in there! i can't just leave her." yoongi yelled back. 

jimin shook his head, "you left her before just fine. just go, and i'll take care of her." jimin said without raising his voice, pointing to the door. 

yoongi raised his hands out of irritation and the door slammed shut. 

jimin sighed loudly and walked over to the couch. he laid down and cuddled up to a throw pillow that was placed. jimin was upset , you were sick and god knows what yoongi was.

unlike anyone in the world - yoongi [completed]Where stories live. Discover now