A Skater's Art

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I visited my mother and she's doing much better. They pumped her stomach and cleaned out her bloodstream and everything's A okay.

She probably won't be there on the first day of school which is only in 3 days!

Alex is wonderful. He's been helping me take care of Cadence and getting us fed. I swear, he's a saint.

I woke up that morning to the sound of an argument between Alex and someone unknown.

I ran downstairs to see what all the ruckus was. For whatever reason, Alex was standing near the front door.

"Hello," the stranger waved.

"Hi." I nervously smiled.

The stranger was standing in the doorway. He was tall, blonde, and looked almost just like Alex but more built.

I walked over and held my hand out for a shake.

"I'm Cheyenne ,"

"Cheyenne, this is my brother, Rhett." Alex smirked.

"Cheyenne. What a lovely name." Rhett smiled. He took my hand and kissed it.

I could tell he was the heartbreaker of the three. He was handsome, strong and the Quarterback of the Football team.

"Well come in, Rhett. Would you like something to eat?" I offered.

"No, actually I came over to scold my brother." He said, glaring at Alex.

"Are you sure? I could just-"

"I have to go anyway. But I'm leaving my car for you guys to use. But do not tell mom and dad."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much." I cheered.

"We don't need it." Alex blurted.

"Lex, what are you talking about? We need that car." I said.

"Yeah, you better take in now Lexi," Rhett joked, poking fun at me calling him Lex.

Alex sighed. I could tell that he really didn't want to take it but he ended up giving in.

"Okay, fine. Thanks Rhett." Alex smiled.

Later that night, Alex walked into the kitchen where me and Cadence were sitting with a somber face.

It had appeared that he was fine, but I felt like he was hiding something deeper.

And for some reason he had my mom's old paints.

"What's your poison?" I asked.

"I need to show you guys something." He said, finally smiling.

"Okay, so what is it?" Cadence questioned.

"It's a little late," I said.

"Come on." He gestured us to the door.

He lead the way and we sat on the porch as he stood in the street, preparing for what he was about to show us.

All the sudden, I saw him pour glow stick fluid into the paint.

He dipped two of his skateboard wheels into the paint and started doing tricks.

And the crazy thing was that, no matter what the trick was, it turned into a beautiful design, contributing to the whole street design.

"Oh my gosh," I said, watching in awe.

When he was done, I noticed something different about the design: it was lettering. It looked weird from up close.

"What does it say?" I asked, squinting.

"Go upstairs and see." He smiled, panting.

I ran upstairs, expecting something stupid like: C+A Forever or Hey, What's Up?

But when I saw it, I was stunned. It read: ❤️I LOVE YOU 🌺.

Its official, I'm in love with Alex.

The End : An Obsessive Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now