Shit For Life

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My life is shitty. Both of my brothers are star athletes and I'm just some skater punk kid.
I'm not smart and I'm not athletic. My life might be worse than Cheyenne's.

My parents barely talk to me and they are always focused on my brothers. It seems like whenever I have something positive to share, it doesn't matter.

When I'm around my family, I feel unwanted. And they wonder why I drown my sorrows in music and skating.

"I don't know why Alex just listens to death metal and skates all day. I wish he would take up different hobby because all that is so depressin' " my mom says, in her thick Alabama accent.

That woman is a hell of a gossiper. Especially about me and how I'll never amount to anything.

My mother and my father are from a conservative town in Alabama. They much rather me listen to jolly-old country and top 40 radio.

But I decided not to be a clone of my brothers. The only thing that helps me is spending time with Cheyenne.

One day, when my mother was trying to push me into trying out for football this upcoming school year, and I went out to skate. I ended up seeing her. She was so cute and smart.

But I knew from the moment I saw her, that I could never be with her. My parents would have a field day. I remember when I was younger, my mom would always say:

"One day you're going to marry a beautiful blonde princess,"

I was always thinking why does she have to be blonde? Maybe my wife will have brown hair or black hair.

But I never questioned it further because I kind of knew what she was implying. She wanted me to find someone that looks exactly like the rest of family; a blonde-haired, blue eyed, skinny bombshell. But I didn't want that. I never wanted that.

And ever since I met Cheyenne, I don't really want anything else except her. I don't want to be a duplicate of my brothers. I want to be with Cheyenne.

The End : An Obsessive Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now