1 Whitney: Wal-Mart changed it all...

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Whitney: Wal-Mart changed it all...

My best friend's name is Jacob. We've been best friends for almost three years.

He was a transfer student, and I was a loner. We met about two months into the school year. It was November, and he came and sat by me during lunch one day. We didn't talk at all, but he still came and sat by me, each day. After a month of not talking to each other, I finally spoke up.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

He didn't reply, instead he just stared at me.

"What's your name?" I repeated.

He still just stared, blankly, at me. Is this guy deaf or something? I thought.

"Hello? Is anyone home, up there?" I asked, knocking on his head.

This time he stood up and walked away. Ok, his loss. I thought. A few minutes later he came back, holding a notebook and pencil. He began to write. Is this guy crazy? He held the notebook out to me, and I read what he had written.

"I can't talk. My name is Jacob. What's your name?"

"My name is Whitney. Why can't you talk? Do you have a sore throat or something? If you do, it's probably best that we don't hang out. Until you get better, that is, because I really don't want to get sick." I said talking as fast as I possibly could.

He again, began to write.

"Whoa! Slow down! I don't have a sore throat. I've just never been able to talk. I was born that way. I'm a mute."

"Oh wow! That's cool, but how do you have any friends if you can't talk to them?" I asked.

"I don't have friends."

I frowned. "Me neither. Everyone thinks I'm weird or something."

"Do you wanna be friends?" he wrote.

"Of course." I said, with much enthusiasm.

From that day on, we were together every day. I learned sign language, so he wouldn't always have to write.

He was with me through everything. He's still my only friend.

It's June right now, and in four months, we'll have known each other for three years.

I said it was June, right? June sixteenth, to be exact.

Me and Jacob are both fifteen now. His birthday is in August and mine is in February.

We got bored this morning, so we decided to go out and have a skateboard session. Jacob is beast at skateboarding, and I suck at it, so he's teaching me. I was getting pretty good, though. I mean... I can actually ride it without falling now.

We were headed towards Wal-Mart; it was only fifteen minutes, by board, from Jacob's house.

"Ok, so I say we hit Starbucks." I said.

"Heck, Yeah!" Jacob signed.

I only had to understand sign language. I didn't have to actually use it.

We stopped by the Starbucks, and I ordered a Vanilla Bean Frap. The only thing I will drink there.

We sat down and drank our Starbucks in silence.

"You ready to go back to my house?" Jacob signed to me.

"Ok, yeah. What do you want to do when we get there?" I asked.

"We could watch a movie?" He signed.

"Ok... Oh! I know! Let's have a Harry Potter marathon!" I said excitedly.

He just stared blankly at me, the same way he had, the day we first talked... or well... the day I first talked to him.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you crazy?" he asked.

"No, I love Harry Potter." I said, innocently.

"Yes, but to watch all of them, it would take..." He stopped moving his hands for a second, so that he could think. "It would take like fifteen hours."

"Oh, right." I said. "What about 'Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist'?"

"I'm ok with that." He signed quickly.

We grabbed our skateboards, and headed for the door. Neither of us wears helmets, although we probably should.

We were outside, and I was about to hop on my board, when Jacob tapped me on the shoulder and signed "I left something inside, I'm gonna go get it."

"Ok, do you want me to come with you?" I asked him.

"No, you'll need a head start." He signed, and by the look on his face I could tell he was teasing me.

"Yeah, yeah, just hurry up." I smiled.

He ran back inside, and I headed towards his house. He was probably right; I would need a head start.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground, and my ankle hurt so bad, that I couldn't stand up. I was just hit, by a bus! A big bus! A boy ran out of the buses door.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

"I was just hit by your freaking bus; do you think I'm ok?" I asked a bit frustrated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so rude. I'm fine, but my ankle hurts. I don't think I can walk."

The boy had on dark denim skinny jeans, and a red and black striped zip up hoodie. He had the hood up, so that I couldn't see his face.

"Ok, well... I'll get you in the bus, so that we can make sure your fine." He said.

His voice sounded so familiar. Do I know him? If I could just see his face...

He picked me up off the ground. Who does this guy think he is, my knight in shining armor or something?

He started to carry me back towards the door he had come out of; it was then that he finally looked at my face. He stopped walking and just stood there, staring at me for a second. Then he gently laid me down on the ground, turned, and ran into the bus. Actually he ran into the side of the bus, and almost fell. But then he regained his composure, and ran up the stairs of the bus. Was that who I think it was? I thought. And why did he just leave me here?

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