3 Whitney: Boring Board Games!

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Whitney: Boring Board Games!

I woke up, and I didn't know where I was.

Wait. Is that the Parker Brothers surrounding me? Why am I dreaming about the Parker Brothers?

"Whitney, Whitney? Are you awake?" Amber asked.

"Huh? Mphfmhu..." I mumbled, still half asleep.

Once I had completely opened my eyes, I jumped in my seat.

"What? What am I doing here?" I asked.

"Don't you remember?" Keah asked.

"You were hit with our tour bus." Nathan added, as though he wasn't sure it had happened, himself.

"Th... That wasn't a dream?" I stuttered.

"Not exactly." Brody said.

"Oh..." I said, "Does anyone know where I am? How long have I been here?"

"You stayed with us overnight." Brody explained.

"Does anyone know where I am?" I repeated.

Just then Jacob walked up the stairs carrying six drinks from starbucks, three blueberry muffins, and a bottle of Cherry Dr Pepper.

He had his back turned away from me, so he didn't know I was awake. He set everything down on a table.

"Jacob!" I practically yelled.

I started to get out of my seat, so I could go hug him. As soon as I put all my weight on my right foot, I fell to the ground.

Nathan and Jacob both ran to help me up. They sat me back down and Nathan left and right away and went to the bathroom.

"Is he throwing up?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think he might be getting sick. He puked yesterday too." Seth answered.

Nathan walked back into the room.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Ugh... Yeah, I'm fine." He said, looking down at his feet.

I turned to Jacob. "Why aren't I at your house?" I asked him.

"We thought it would be better if you stayed here, so they could take care of you properly." He signed, "It was Nathan's idea."

Nathan looked awfully confused, because I turned to look at him.

That was sweet of him. I smiled at him.

He immediately ran to the bathroom with his hand covering his mouth. He came out a few minutes.

"You sure you're ok?" I asked, then turning to the group, I said, "I think Nathan might need to be taken care of, more than I do." I smiled at him. Everyone laughed.

"I have starbucks for everyone." Jacob signed. I'm not used to having to translate; I didn't even think of trying to, instead Keah spoke for him.

Jacob passed out drinks, everyone got some kind of drink from starbucks.

He then passed out the muffins; I was surprised that one was for me. The other two went to Nathan and Keah, Keah shared hers with Seth.

When we were all done eating and drinking I asked Brody how long I was going to be staying with them.

"Until your ankle gets better." Nathan answered for him.

Brody shot Nathan a look, "We're only here for a couple days."

Seth then jumped into the conversation, "She could come on tour with us."

Then Keah joined in, "Yeah, it would be awesome to have another girl with us. And plus, now when we play board games Nathan will have a partner."

"Board games make me bored." Nathan said.

"Me too!" I agreed.

"Well then he won't have to sit out by himself." Keah said, obviously really wanting me to come with them. I thought it would be really cool to go on tour with the Parker Brothers. Seth and Keah were obviously on my side, considering how desperately they were trying to convince Amber and Brody to have me come along.

Nathan didn't say a word, but I secretly hoped he was on my side too.

Jacob was arguing against my "team" the whole time. I mean I live with him. We're together every day of course he didn't want me to leave, but since he couldn't talk, it didn't help much.

Brody looked to Amber, hoping she would have another reason that I shouldn't join them. She only shrugged.

"We would have to call mom and dad to make sure it's ok." Brody reasoned.

Nathan already had his blackberry cell phone out of his pocket, the numbers punched in, and the phone to his ear, before you would even be able to blink. I took this as meaning he was on my side.

"Mom?" Nathan asked when the line picked up.

"We met a girl, and we were wondering if she could come on tour with us?" He nodded a few times, "Yeah, its fine." He sighed, "Ok. Uhuh. Love you too, Mom." He hung up and looked around the room, his eyes stopping and resting on me.

"Well?" Brody asked.

"She said she would have to talk to dad, and if he said he was considering it then we'll have to bring Whitney to meet them. She said she'd call back in a few minutes." Nathan replied, never taking his eyes off of me.

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