15 Whitney: Splitting Up

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Whitney: Splitting Up

"Oh my God, Nathan, what do we do?" Seth asked.

"We call Brody." Nathan already had his phone out. He punched in the number and waited, impatiently, for Brody to answer. Nathan put the phone on speaker so we could all listen.

"Hey, Nathan, what's up?" Brody said, sounding carefree. That's about to change, I thought.

"Uhm..." Nathan hesitated, "Where are you guys?"

"We're by the vortex." Brody said.

"Okay, were right by there. Stay there, and we'll see you in a second." Nathan said, and then hung up the phone.

We walked quickly over to the roller coaster and Nathan almost started running when he saw Amber and Brody.

"Hey guys, so whats up?" Brody asked.

"Uhm... Seth?" Nathan said.

"Brod, I'm so sorry! He was with us one second and then he was gone!"

"You lost Levi!?" Brody yelled, outraged.

"I am so sorry. He went to the bathroom, while we were buying chick-fil-a."

"Oh My God, Seth! Can't you do anything right? I trusted you to be responsible and keep him with you."

"I know, I know. I screwed up. I'm sorry." Seth said.

"Where was the last place you had him?"

"He was in the bathroom near the diamond back."

"Alright, that's where we'll start."

We all walked quickly to the diamond back, but when we got there, there was no sign of Levi anywhere.

"Should we call your parents?" Amber asked.

"No." Nathan said; his eyes wide, "If we tell them we lost Levi, they will never trust us to do anything like this ever again."

I understood where Nathan was coming from. Nathan is responsible, almost always does the right thing, and he's extremely logical. But he was still fifteen; he still deserved to have freedom and have fun and be a teenager. He was smart enough to know that if we called his parents all that would be taken away within seconds. Amber was about to argue, but Brody stopped her.

"Nathan's right. If we can't find him in two hours, we'll call mom and dad, but not a minute before." Brody said.

Then we all split up. We had decided to meet up in an hour at the front of the park, near the fountain, and if we hadn't found him by then that we would tell management. I had asked why we didn't just go tell them now, but Brody explained that if we did that everyone in the park would know they were here and it would be nearly impossible to find Levi. We would postpone it as long as we could. I then understood but still disagreed, although I didn't say that out loud. We split up in groups of two, just like we had earlier. Brody was reluctant to let Seth and Keah go by themselves, and had threatened to have us go in groups of three, instead of two. Nathan finally convinced him that we would cover more ground if there were three groups of two, instead of two groups of three. In the end Nathan and I had to split up, as well as Seth and Keah. Brody said that Seth had to go with Nathan and Keah had to go with me. Nathan then put up a fight saying - ("no offense, Seth.") - that he was so frustrated with his older brother that he couldn't spend two hours alone with him. So Keah went with Nathan and Seth went with me.

Seth and I were assigned the gift shops near the front of the park, the worst area, simply because Levi was the least likely to be there. Amber and Brody got kiddie land, and Nathan and Keah got the area near the Vortex roller coaster and the Racer, an old wooden coaster that I was pretty sure the Brady Bunch had been on in one of their shows.

"This sucks." Seth said, looking at me as we headed toward the stores.

"You bet." I said, I wasn't happy about our assigned area either.

"You're not mad at me too, are you?" he asked, his eyes were sad and innocent.

I thought about that for a second. "I think what you did was incredibly stupid and irresponsible, but I'm not mad at you. It was an accident, it could happen to anyone. Even Brody or Nathan." I felt sorry for him.

"Thanks, Whitney. You're good to have around. Very positive."

I laughed, "Thanks."

"I don't understand, I told him to stay where he was!"He explained, "I'm afraid something really bad happened to him."

"You should be afraid, something bad could have happened, but I don't think anyone took him or anything."

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know... I guess it's just a hunch."


"It's not very reassuring, I know."

"No, no." He said, "It's good. At least there's hope."


Hey, guys!

Sorry it took so long for me to update, I've been major busy. hopefully I'll have chapter sixteen up soon.

Please, please, please give me your feedback! vote/comment/fan it means the world.

thank you so very much for reading!

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