9 Whitney: "Do You Like Nathan?"

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Whitney: "Do You Like Nathan?"

Everyone had just finished dinner, and I was helping with the dishes.

"You know, you don't have to do that." Mrs. Parker told me.

"Oh. I don't mind." I said, "It's the least I can do."

"Well, if you insist." She smiled at me. "It's nice having a young lady help clean up after dinner. The boys are great about helping out, but they are boys. They don't always do the greatest job."

I laughed, "I know what you mean. Back at Newport Beach, I loved with my bestfriend and his family. They always loved when I helped out, because I knew how to do it, and do it right."

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"No, not at all." I said.

"Why did you live with him?"

"My dad, he died when I was seven."

"What happened?"

"We were all on our way home one night. It was after one of my ballet recitals. We had gone out for ice cream afterwards; I remember my dad kept telling me that he was so proud of me." I was crying by now, "He even bought me flowers, White Easter Lilly's." I smiled, "We had taken separate cars, and I rode home with my mom. It had been a few hours and dad still wasn't home yet. Mom said it was fine, that we should just go to sleep and he would be home in the morning. The next day we got a call saying that a drunk driver ran him off the road, while he was on a bridge. He went into the water and never came out."

Mrs. Parker hugged me, "I'm so sorry." When she pulled back she had tears in her eyes, "I can't imagine what that must have been like."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"What about your mother?"

"She used to have an alcohol problem when she was younger. She had been sober for so long, but when my dad died, she started drinking again. She would come home so drunk that I just couldn't live with her anymore. Jacob's family was willing to take me in and I figured it would be much better than a foster home."

She nodded, "Whitney, I like you, and it's not because I feel sorry for you. I think you're a very genuine girl, and that's hard to find these days."

I smiled, "Thank you." I had gotten her approval. Does that mean I can go on tour with Nathan? At that moment it didn't really matter. This woman liked me, and I couldn't have been happier.

I went to the basement to hang out with Nathan. He was sitting alone on the couch with his guitar. Where the others were, I had no clue. He had his feet up on the couch, sitting sideways. I went and sat Indian style next to his feet. He looked up and smiled at me.

"You look like you're at Disney World." He said.

"Excuse me?" I laughed, confused.

"You know."

"Not exactly."

"Disney World. It's the 'Happiest Place On Earth' and you look like the happiest girl on earth." He explained.

"I am." I smiled.

Nathan chuckled, "And why is that?"

"Your mom."

He looked confused, "You know, that comeback is getting really old."

I cracked up, either it was contagious or I looked like a fool, because Nathan started laughing too.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"I didn't mean it as a comeback. I meant I'm happy because of your mom. She likes me." I smiled.

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