Chapter 2

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After a while the boy I met at the grill came over. I guess that was Vicki's brother.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"In there." I said and pointed to the kitchen.

"Come this way." Jeremy said and led Matt to his sister.

"What's she on?"

"I---I don't know." I stayed out in the living room and grabbed Jeremy's phone. I didn't think to get Stefan's number, that and I left my phone so nobody could track me.

"Hello? Jeremy?" Elena's voice came through.

"Hey Elena it's Bella. I didn't know how else to reach anyone so I snuck Jeremy's phone. Are you still with Stefan?" He imminently was on the phone.

"Bella? What's wrong?"

"Umm, are there any other vampires in town?"

"Why did something happen?"

"This girl Vicki. She came over here. She's just acting weird. She says the sun's irritating her, something in her gums, she starving but she can't eat enough."

"Sounds like transition. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Alright." Then I hung up the phone and quickly put it back before Jeremy noticed.

"Just turn it off!" I heard Vicki scream. I went to the door way to see what was going on.

"Turn what off?" Jeremy asked.

"The talking, the chatter, just turn it off." She got up and stopped when she saw the tv. Jeremy turned it up to see what was going on.

"-horribly. 3 bodies were found dead in what is believed to be a drug deal gone awry. The bodies have yet to be identified. They were discovered earlier today over at the old Mystic Falls cemetery."

"That's where we were last night." Jeremy said.

"What happened, Vic?" Matt asked his sister.

"..homicide, and are fast under way looking for suspects. They're asking anyone with information..." The tv answered his question.

"I'm calling the cops." Matt said standing up.

"No. Don't." Vicki said.

"What happened after I left last night, Vick?" Jeremy asked. Then Vicki, out of nowhere, pushed Jeremy back, pretty hard too, causing him to fall back.

"Jer, are you ok?" Matt asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Jeremy said getting up.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

"Damn, Vick." Matt said looking at his sister.

Then Elena and Stefan showed up.

"What's going on?" Elena asked.

"She's really messed up." Matt said.

"Elena, back up." He went over to Vicki. "Vicki, look at me. Focus. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine." He turned back to us. "Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be ok. Come on. Come on." He motioned Matt and Jeremy upstairs with her.

Then Matt and Jeremy take her upstairs. I stayed back with Elena and Stefan.

"You know what's wrong with her?" Elena asked.

"Yeah. Bella thank you for calling."

"Not a problem."

"What is it?" Elena asked.

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