Chapter 13

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Jeremy and I spent most of the day just hanging around in his room. We talked, I watched him play his xbox for a little bit. We had a nice time, until Elijah told me about Damon's dinner party. He wanted me to go. Then Damon also messaged me and told me I had to go. Great.

I left to get ready and Jeremy ended up going to the grill.

When I got to the boarding house I changed and got ready before everyone got home. I wore a black dress sleeveless shirt and black pants with plain black heels.

I met up with Damon and Alaric in the library when I came downstairs.

"This is a bad idea." Ric said.

"There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed awesome ones. Here." Damon handed Alaric a glass of scotch, but Ric refused it.

"Yes because all you have are poorly executed plans, Damon." I said walking over to them.

"Well don't you look nice. Where's baby Gilbert?"

"I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna."

"Jenna's perfectly safe. Besides, it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless."

"Just a fact-finding mission?"


"Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way. Ok?"

"Scout's honor." Damon put up his hand and grabbed Alaric's shoulder. Alaric looked at him, still suspicious. Then Andie walked in.

"Hey, Jenna needs help with the wine." She said and Damon looked at him, smiled, and patted his arm reassuringly. Alaric walked up the stairs. "Thanks."


Damon waited until Alaric was gone before he walked over to a small trunk and opened it. He pulled out a silver dagger and some ash from inside. Andie walked down to him.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Dessert." Damon said and dipped the dagger in the ash. "Elijah's stronger than me. Faster than me. It's all about the element of surprise."

"Ah, it's too bad. I like him. He's very old-school. Classy."

"Which is why you should encourage the gentlemen to take their after dinner drinks in here while you do coffee in the kitchen with the girls."

Damon placed the dagger with the glasses and the scotch, hiding it from view.

"Hmm. That is a little too sexist for me."

Damon turned around and looked at her.

"Stop talking."

Andie smiled at him.

"Damon what are you doing?"

"Planning on getting Elijah out of the way."

"What? No."

"Why do you care so much?" Damon looked at me weird. I stayed silent and left the room. I told Elijah I wouldn't tell anyone. I already told Jeremy. What was Damon up to though?


I followed Jenna to the front hall and saw Elijah was here.

"Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you?" he said.

"Nice to see you."

"You look incredible. And Sebella you look stunning as well.

"Thank you." Jenna said as I simply nodded my head and smiled.

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