Chapter 8

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I walked down stairs after receiving a voicemail from a social worker back home. Perfect.


"Yes little Bella?" I turned around and saw him there with the stupid grin on his face.

"I got a call from a social worker. About my guardianship. They've learned I have family here and they know I came here looking for them."

"And you need me to pass off as loving cousin who's taking you in."

"I need you teach me how to compel someone."

"Can you even do that?"

"I'm sure I can. So far I can do everything else you can. I just need to try."

"Well that's not very much."

"Ha ha."

"Ok well, we'll need ourselves a human for you to practice on."

"Ok. Know anyone?"

"How about you use your little boyfriend?"

"No. He doesn't know. And I'm not gonna mess with his head."

"So I'll do it again."

"No Damon."

"Fine. I'll figure something out." Then I started to walk away.

"Why didn't you ask Stefan to teach you?" I looked back at him.

"I don't know. Figured better to ask the more manipulative brother about mind control." He smirked.

"You and I are gonna get along just find. I'll be back when I find a nice human for ya." Then he left.

Why can't my life be easy for once? Let's recap here for a second.

I grew up with my human mother as the only known (still secret) half vampire to be born.

After my mother's death I go to find my uncle only to learn that he's dead and my last living relatives are 100 year old vampires.

After settling into this town with said family I learn I look like their younger sister, Julianna.

I've grown feeling for Jeremy, though I'm sure he feels the same, yet we've done really nothing official. Seems like it but, not really.

Now after all this time I get a stupid phone call now about all this.

And why do I want to learn compulsion? Well now I'm on my own. So I'm going to use compulsion to take care of the social worker and stuff, and go from there.


"Bella!?" I heard Stefan's voice from downstairs.

"Little Bella! We need you down here! Now!" Then Damon's. Great.

"What could you both possibly want?" I found them there with Elena. "What's going on?"

"Damon mentioned you wanted to learn compulsion." Stefan said. "I talked it over with Elena. I would rather ask someone that I know and trust. Someone we don't have to erase their memory."

"So I agreed." Elena said.

"Are you sure?"

"I would rather you get a hang on it instead of something happen with my brother."

"Guess that makes sense."

"Ok." Damon said and clapped his hands together. "we have a short amount of time to do this so Elena, if you would please." Damon motioned towards a chair. She went to sit down but Damon stopped her. "Uh." he held out his hand.

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