Chapter 20

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It's been two months. Between school and working, Jeremy and I have been looking into how I exist, thanks to my mom's old stuff. I've also been helping Damon track Stefan. Not that that's been the best of luck either. Jeremy and Matt helped me get a job at the Grill it was easier being close to Jeremy with everything else going on. Although everything as pretty normal.

I was cleaning up at the grill when Damon called me.

"This better be good Damon. I'm at work."

"Well work can wait. We got something."

"On Stefan?" I said straightening out.

"Yup. We gotta hop on it before it goes cold. So tell Matt you gotta go."


After telling Matt there was an emergency I met up with Damon at the house and got dressed. Damon, Alaric and I all went some house in the middle of nowhere. We pull up and Damon's cell starts ringing. He checked the and then ignore the call.

"Elena" Alaric asked as we got out and Damon made a face. "I don't know why you just don't come clean and tell her where we are."

"Because Andie said this was a half lead and I don't want to get her hopes up."

"Yeah, well they're all half leads, and I'm your accomplice. What do you want me to say to her, I'm practically living there."

"Still sleeping on the couch?" Damon asked and we starting looking around.

"You know, I keep waiting for them to kick me out but they don't. I don't know why, it's not like I'm helping or anything."

"Mm-mm." Damon said still looking around.

"It's quiet." I said looking around for, well anything.

"Yeah. Too quiet."

We head towards the house and Damon tests the door with his foot. He's able to go in. He looked back at us and Alaric and I had confused faces.

"Oh yeah."

We all walked in and Alaric closed the door behind us. We look around and there is blood all over the walls. We found  two women sitting upright on the living room couch, almost as if they were watching TV. With all the blood and the looks of them, they were long dead.

"Ugh. Vampire for sure." Alaric said. I stood behind them with my arms crossed.

"Stefan, for sure." Damon corrected.

"How are you sure?" I asked.

"It's his signature; there's a reason they call him the ripper. Feeds so hard he blacks out and rips them apart, but then when he's done, he feels remorse. It's the damndest thing." Damon lifted his leg and wobbled the blonde woman's knee with his foot. "He puts the bodies back together." He said as her head falls to the floor.

"Back together?"

"Definitely Stefan"

Damon went outside and I followed him.

"So what do we do now?"

"We figure it out."

"I mean about Elena. She'll wanna know."

"Let me handle Elena." He said grabbing a tank of gasoline. We back inside and Damon started pouring it around the living room.

"What are you doing?" Alaric asked.

"Covering their tracks. Clearly they have no interest in staying in the dark, but I do."

Alaric moved to give Damon more space but the floor creaked. We all looked at each other.

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