Chapter 11

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"So I've missed a lot huh?" I said to Jeremy as we walked down the street.

"Yeah, yeah you have, but you had a good reason for leaving. Did you ever find out who your dad was?"

"Yeah. I did but uh, I'll talk to you about it later. Ok?"

"Yeah sure. No pressure."

"Great." Jeremy said looking over into the group of people at the square.


"My uncle John. He's a total dick, and also Elena's father."

"Ah. I see."

We were walking by when John stopped Jeremy.

"Jeremy, there you are."

"Looks like I slept through the homecoming."

"You didn't miss much. Let's say that no one's happy to see me would be an understatement."

"Look, things are different now. You can't come around and start up with all this anti-vampire stuff." I looked at Jeremy confused. John looked at me weird and I didn't like it.

"I have no intention of doing that. How's that ring been treating you?"

"Look, if this is what you came for, just take it and go." Jeremy handed him the ring, but John didn't take it.

"What kind of a man would I be if I took that from you? You want to go grab some lunch?"

"I think I'll pass." Then John leaves.

"So what's with him and the anti-vampire stuff?"

"John hunts vampires I guess? he used Jonathan Gilbert's invention to take all the vampire's in town and kill them."

"I see." I looked over and saw some guy with Bonnie. Didn't look like they were friends. "Who's that guy talking to Bonnie?"

Jeremy looked over.

"He's not a friend, that's for sure."

He walked up to them and I followed behind them.

"Is there a problem here?" Jeremy asked.

"Not at all." Bonnie said looking at us. "Bella. Nice to see you again."

"Hey Bonnie." she hugged me and the three of us walked away. "What was that about?"

"More lies."


I spent a while catching up with Bonnie. Both her and Jeremy filled me in on what was going on. The new witches in town, Katherine, the tomb, and what's been going on with my father. Then I got a call from Stefan.

"Stefan what's up?"

"Damon and I need your help. Would you mind?"

"Why what's up?"

"The werewolves have Caroline. They want us to trade Tyler for her, that's not going to happen."

"So what you want me to help you fight them?"

"No. We're going to get their attention, while you get Caroline." I looked over at Jeremy and Bonnie. Jeremy had a worried expression on his face."

"Uh sure I guess. I'll finish up here and meet up with you."

"I'll text you where to go."

"Gotcha." Then I hung up. "Hey uh, Stefan needs my help with something. I'll see you later at your house?"

"Yeah. be safe alright?" Jeremy said and I nodded my head. He leaned over and kissed me. When he pulled away he was smiling. "See you later."

"See you." then I left to meet up with Stefan and Damon.

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