Chapter 24

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I woke up in my room completely confused.

"Wakey wakey." I looked over and saw Damon. "Time for school. Try and stay at Jeremy's as much as possible."

"What happened?" I asked sitting up.

"Klaus left, Elena's blood makes hybrids, Klaus knows about you, he turned Stefan's humanity off, and ripper Stefan is here to watch over Elena. So I don't want you in the house if I can help it." Then he left.

"What the hell?" I got up and got dressed for school.


"So you found Mikeal?" I asked Jeremy.

"Yeah but Bonnie's pretty pissed that I let Anna back in."

"Jeremy?" I stopped and turned to him. "Did you, did you love Anna? I know you said she was a rebound but, did you?" He was silent for a moment, before looking over at my with sad eyes. "You did. You wanted me to see Anna so I wouldn't be upset about it."

"Bella wait-" I didn't listen and just kept walking. I found Bonnie and began talking to her about it.

"Do you think it's cheating?" I asked her.

"I was just upset he wasn't being honest with you. I mean he should have told you how he felt about Anna."

"Yeah. I just, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it. With everything else going on is this really even important?"

"Bella." I looked at her. "It's your happiness. That's always important." I nodded my head and gave her a small smile. "Now I may have a lead about you."

"Finally." Then we walked to class.


Bonnie and I were inside the school during the party reading through her books when Jeremy came and told us what Vicki was planning. He said that he and Anna had been talking about it all day.

"You talked to Anna about this? " Bonnie asked as we walked through the halls.

"She's on the other side, Bonnie. Okay. I thought she might know something. "

"About what? I thought they were all alone over there. "

"Somehow Vicki's been communicating with some super strong witch. "

"If there's another witch involved, don't you think you should have come to me before you went to Anna? "

"At least then Bonnie could have figured out who the witch was." I said.

"Not now, Anna. "

"She's here? " I asked him.

"She's just trying to help. "

"I can't...I can't deal with this right now. Come on Bonnie." 

"Bella! Bonnie!"

"Matt's trying to resurrect his dead sister. I think we'll go deal with that instead." Then we left. On the way out Matt called Bonnie.

"Matt! Matt, slow down. What happened?" Bonnie asked.

"I messed up, Bonnie. "

"What? How? Where is she?"

"I'm on my way there."


We met Matt in a class room. He explained how he helped Vicki get back to this world. She could feel things, and people, and now to stay she had to kill Elena.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd do something like this. I trusted her. "

"You need to tell me exactly what you did to let Vicki out. So I know exactly how to send her back. "

He explained step by step what he did and everything she told him.

"Bonnie there has to be a way to block whatever is letting Vicki here?" I asked her. "You can even channel me again."

"Bella I can't channel you again, if I keep doing that who knows what'll happen to you." Bonnie says as she searching through her grimoire as Matt set down the candles. "I found a spell that can block whatever magic is helping Vicki. " She said as he lite the last candle.

"What do I do? "

"Give me your hand. "

He held his already cut hand out and she grabbed his other one and cut that one. Then Alaric called my phone.


"Elena's stuck in a car and it's on fire! Stefan's in it too! I need help!"

"I'm on my way." I looked at the two of them. "Don't stop."

I got to the car right as Stefan kicked the back out of it. I went to grab them when the flames got bigger. Then the flames went down and Alaric and I rushed to help Elena out of the car.

"Come on before it blows!" I said grabbing her arm. 

"Wait-wait wait wait!" Elena turns and starts dragging Stefan out, there was no time to argue so Alaric and I grabbed him and helped him out. We got away just in time for it to explode.

"Well, I'll add that to list of fun tonight." I said and we helped Elena and Stefan back to the boarding house.

Elena went home with Alaric, Stefan was still an ass, Jeremy had been calling Bonnie and I constantly, yet we both are ignoring him, then Damon was trying to clean the house. I came down as he was rolling up a carpet when a vase flew to the floor shattering. Damon got irritated and walked over to it.

"Keep it up Stefan." Damon looked over to me. "Get to bed Bells. I'm about to really knock his ass out."

"Have fun with that. Goodnight Damon."

"Night Bella." Then I went up stairs.


I went to Jeremy's early the next morning before going to help Caroline and Bonnie. Elena opened the door and let me in.

"He's been quiet all morning. Probably still asleep." She told me as I walked upstairs. When I got to his room I knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" I heard him say.

"It's me Jeremy." I heard shuffling and then Jeremy opened the door.

"Hey Bells. I thought you were helping Caroline and Bonnie today?"

"I am. I just wanted to stop and say I was sorry. I just would like you to tell me things like you still talking to your dead ex-girlfriend."

"I got it. I gotta get ready to head out with Ric so I'll see after alright?"

"Ok? Since when are you in a hurry?"

"Just running late."

"Ok. Love you Jeremy." I went to kiss him but he moved his head away.

"Love you too Bells." With that he closed the door. I decided to text Bonnie and tell her I was on my way.

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