Chapter 21

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"Hey Jeremy. Call me please. I wish you would tell me what's going on. I love you. Bye." I hung up the phone and set it down.

"This is why our kind doesn't date humans. Especially previously dead ones." Trish said.

"Ha ha. So what do we have?" I asked her and she showed me her computer.

"Well, the only way you're gonna be able to tell if this is accurate in any way, is to ask your big bad hybrid uncle."

"You mean the uncle who has no idea of my existence?"

"Well this stuff, dates back to his family. I found some people in New Orleans that knew them hundreds of years ago."

"Ok?" She showed me a picture of an African American man in front of some buildings in the French quarter.

"His name is Marcel. He was sired by Klaus himself. Knew his family pretty well. Said they had a sister, Rebekah, she told him a lot about their family's past. I didn't tell him anything, just that we're trying to find someone from their past. He left me his information. Said to contact him with any questions he would do what he could."

"Thanks. I will definitely get in touch with him. See if he knows anything." I looked at Trish and she seemed worried. "What is it?"

"Your friend Elena's still alive. I just have a feeling Klaus is gonna figure it out sooner or later. Words getting around about more animal attacks, freak accidents, fires. People are starting to catch on. This is gonna end badly and if I were you, I would find your father's body and leave."

"I won't leave my family Trish." She got up and started grabbing her stuff.

"I emailed all that stuff to you. Bella." I looked at her. "Please get out of this before it becomes a blood bath."

"I'll be ok. I promise."

"Ok." Then she left.


"Jeremy!" I found him leaving the grill.

"Hey Bells. Any luck with Trish?"

"Uh ya, some. Why wont you talk to me? We've hardly spoken since the whole incident." He went to say something but I cut him off, "I know something's wrong Jer. Let me help you." I grabbed his hand. He looked at me and let out a sigh.

"Let's me figure it out. Ok? We'll talk about it later. I promise. You can bang my door in and even compel me if you have to."

"I'm not gonna go that far Jer. Just let me help you ok? I'll come by later tonight?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'll see you then." He kissed me and we said our goodbyes before I went home.


"Get dressed for the mountains." I heard Damon say as I walked inside.

"'Hey Bella how did it go today?' 'Oh great Damon really making progress thanks for asking.'" I said dropping my bag on the couch.

"Sorry. We've got a problem. Elena left to find Stefan." I groaned in frustration.



"It's hot Damon." I said following him.

"Stop whining. We found her." Then he ran off. I followed to find Elena in the water and Alaric standing there with Damon.

"Damon! How are you even here?"

"Thanks for the tip, brother." Damon said looking at Alaric.

"You sold me out!" Elena said to Alaric.

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