Chapter 15

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"Why did you bring me along again?" I asked Damon as we walked down the hall of apartments.

"Because I asked. Didn't really wanna be alone with this one here." He said motioning to Bonnie. No so instead you bring Jeremy and I along.

He stopped at one and opened the door, the checked if he could get in.

'Yep. Everybody's dead." Damon said walking inside.

"We should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe." Bonnie said.

Damon looked at Luka's burnt corpse laying in the floor.

' You know, we could just get another match and cremate him."

"Damon." I snapped.

"Don't be disrespectful. Not to him." Bonnie said.

"Fine. I'll bury him."

" What exactly are we looking for?" Jeremy asked.

"According to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that'll let me harness the energy that's left behind when a witch dies violently." Bonnie explained walking over to the books scattered on the floor.

"I didn't know you and father witch were so close."

"We weren't but when he gave me my powers back, he gave me a message. If I can find the spot in town, where the old Salem witches were burned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it."

"Great. We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient dead-witch power."

'You know where the witches were burned?"

"Did I forget to mention that?"

"Damon. Quit being an ass." I said looking through one of the grimoires. Jeremy started doing the same thing.

"Are we gonna have to read through every one of these books till we find the right spell? " Jeremy asked.

"Not exactly." Bonnie looked at the shelf, closed her eyes and raised her hands. All of the books fell and one of them opened right in front of her and she took it. "It's this one."

"Great. Grab the rest. Let's go. " Damon said and we did just that.


I was back at the boarding house with Elena, Stefan, and Damon in the library.

"Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that word's gotten out about the doppelgänger?" Elena asked.

"Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning." Stefan said.

"True. Better safe than sorry."

"You know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you." Damon said.

"What, in the house that any vampire can enter? No. Her house is safer."

"Well, then we'll stay there."

"So is that the plan? Neither of you will let me out of your sight again?"

"Let me know when you come up with a better one."

"Fine. Then one of you 2 bodyguards is gonna have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon."

"That'd be me." Stefan said.

"Not me. I have witch stuff to attend to with Bonnie."

"Which I'm sure I will be dragged along with as well." I said.

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