The beginning

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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining as the wind softly blew. The town was busy as usually. In the crowd of people was a girl, looking through the fruits. She had a short conversation with the owner of the stand. She gave him her money and took her fruits. As she walked away with her fruits, she heard the owner talking to someone.

She turned around to see two men wearing some sort of uniforms. The owner pointed towards her. The men looked towards her and made their way towards her. She turned to run, and the men chased after her. She pushed people out of her way. The men pushed the people out of their way. The girl threw her fruits at the guys and tossed the bag to the side. She ran into the forest.

"0-8-4 has made a run for it to the forest." One of the guys said over the earpiece.

The girl did not look back and kept running. As she heard the men catching up to her, she sped up. She knew she would not last for long. She turned around and launched herself into the air using an energy blast. As she hit the ground, she made a whole where she landed. She got up and dusted the dirt off of her. She leaned against a tree for support. She then rested her hands on her head and sighed. Her head was spinning.

She thought about her next move and had to be fast. She groaned in frustration. She threw her hands in the air. "Curse you father." She mutters. She moved away from the tree. She had to start running before they caught up.

She felt someone grab her from behind. She struggled to get free, but she felt a sharp pain on her neck. He had injected something in her and she began to lose consciousness. She tried to stay awake and fight, but her body refused and lost consciousness.

She woke up in an unfamiliar place. It looked like a normal room but empty. There was only a bed and one door. She felt her hands were heavier than usual. She looked down and saw metal gloves covering her hands. They were cuffed together. "Damn it." She mumbled.

She sat there for a minute, weighing her options. She could stay here and wait it out but again she was powerless against anyone who comes through that door. Then again, she could face them and not wait. She went with her second option.

She walked over to the door and opened it. She poked her head out and investigated the hallway. At the end of the hall was a door. She walked to the door and hesitated for a moment, but she opened the door.

There sat a man sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. "Are you going to stand there or sit down and chat." The man spoke to her, and she sat down on the chair. "Do you know why you are here?"

"No, I don't and who are you?"

"Right. I also want to apologize about before. We did not know how you would react or do. Before I explain who, I am, I want to explain something. First, we had to cuff you because we don't want any harm to come to you or my people."

"Understood." She said softly.

"The town called us for 0-8-4. It is a code unknown object and we have to see if it's dangerous or friendly. They gave us a description of you, and we asked around. " He crossed his arm. "We've seen you multiply times but never got a clear image. I am the director of Shield. I am Nick Fury. I'm going to ask you questions. "

"What is your name?"


"Raven, how long have you been on the run."

"About 5 years."

"Your parents?"

"I left home and got adopted but left."


"That is personally information I would like to keep for myself."

He sighed. "During your time with your adopted parents did anything else happen?"

"I was experimented on."

"We are going to have to run some tests on you to see what they did on you."

"No." she quickly said, "You don't have to do that."

"We have to, kid." Two more guys came into the room and each of them took one of her arms. As they were transporting her, she took her chance to escape. She opened her wing and they had hit the men in the face. They released her and ran.

She saw agents coming from all directions. She flew above them as the alarm ringed through the halls. She was trying to look for a way out but fly into a door. The door flew off and she landed on the door. Her wing retracted before entering the room.

Raven looked up and saw a group of people sitting around a table. Mostly men and one woman. Agents rushed into the room and pulled her up. They strapped her back and her hands.

As she tried to get free, she saw a familiar face. She stopped struggling and looked at him. Blonde hair and blue eyes. That face reminds her from a time long ago. How could she forget him? She smiled as tears threatened to fall.

The agents tried to pull her out of the room as the guy spoke to the group. She struggled to stay in the room. "Stop it!" She cried out, "Please wait!" She looked over to him.

"Thor! Please help me!"


This is my first story so sorry if it was bad and hope you like it. See ya next story.
I do not own any characters expect for Raven

Edit: I made change into all the chapters because it was bothering me.

Edit Edit: I'm rewriting the whole story and making some changes so don't be alarm if you see a chapter missing or different. 

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