This Means War

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"You will pay for what you did!" Raven heard the door open. She turns around to see Ray. "I told you to stay inside!"

"What the hell is going on?" Ray runs up to Raven.

"This doesn't concern you." Raven looks back to where Loki stood but he is no longer there. She looks around but cannot fight him. Ray begins asking questions, but she tuned him out and out of the corner of her eyes she sees Loki, shooting his magic at us. "GET DOWN!" She pushes her and Ray onto the ground. She quickly gets back up and dusted herself.

"Thanks for saving me."

"If you want to make it up to me, get out of my way." She tosses Bruce's jacket to Ray.

"Are you really going to fight?"

"What choice do I have?"

"Run. He's a god. You'll never bet him by yourself."

"Doesn't hurt to try." Green magic formed around Raven hands. "Go before you get hurt." She charges towards Loki. He shoots out larger forms of energy towards her. She dodges and shoots herself into the air. She lifts her hands up, creating a massive ball of energy and shooting it towards Loki. She lands on her feet. As the dust clears up, Loki was gone.


Loki fired multiple energy balls towards her. She tried dodging as many as she can, but one ended up hitting her. "That actually hurt." She mumbled. She looks up to only be kicked into a tree. She let out a cry. She heard her name be called out. She shook it off and stood back.

He really isn't going easy is he. She chuckled. Only a few minutes, her body is hurting. This isn't how it ends. This can't be how it ends. She took a step forward. Not after all she's been through. She locked eyes with Loki. Anger is only left in his eyes. Something in her chest hurt. She just thought it was from when she hit the tree.

This isn't the time be lost in her thoughts. She formed an energy bow staff. She charged forward again towards Loki. Ray can only watch from the sideline. He watches at the two clashes with each other. He could feel the anger from here and if a look could kill Raven would be dead by now. Raven was holding her own against Loki better than Ray anticipated.

As Raven got closed enough to swing at Loki, Loki pulled out his dagger and swung first. Raven tossed her herself to dodge the daggers, but Raven lost her footing and fell. Raven got back up and quickly ran backwards as Loki tried attacking. Raven had lost her bow staff during the fall. She spotted it behind Loki. She quickly grabbed Loki's wrist and buttheaded his forehead. She shoves Loki to ground and grabs the bow staff but once she grabbed the staff she was shot in the back and was knocked into a tree.

Her front of her body hit the tree and landed face first into the ground. She laid there for a second until get back up. She struggled to get back. She used the support of the staff to help her keep still. She knew there must have been a couple broken bones. She knew if she didn't win then she would be dead for sure. This fight to Loki this means war. So, Raven must think of this fight as war. It time to stop messing around.


"Look Fury, I will admit it got out of hand, but we will get this under control." Tony explained to Fury.

"And where is Loki?"

"He went to look for her." Steve answer

"Not only did you lose the girl, but you also left one of the most dangerous persons out of your sight and after you explained that she had injured his brother." The Avengers went silent. "I want both of them back that's if he doesn't kill her before you all get there." The call ended.

"We need to find them before Loki kills her." Bruce spoke out.

"Then let's get on the move." The Avenger left the tower in search of the two."


"Raven! Raven where did you go!" He yelled out. He turns around to hear crying. Raven. He runs towards the crying to see his sister crying on the ground. "Raven! Are you okay!?" He rushed to her side. Her knees scraped and bleeding.

"I was trying to climb the tree." As she gasps for air and crying at the same time. "But then I couldn't hold on anymore and I-. I fell!" She burst out crying.

"Shhh." He pulls her into his lap as her tries to calm her down.

"Raven? Loki?" He turns around to see his mother.


"Momma." Raven cried out.

"What happened to you?" She asked as she kneel next to her children.

"Raven was trying to climb a tree and she fell. She got hurt."

Their mother tended her daughter knees, and the bleed and scrapes were gone. As if they were never there. She pulls Raven from her brother pulls and carries her as she stands up. "What did I tell you about climbing trees Raven?"

"I'm sorry momma." Raven sniffled.

"Its alright dear. Don't do it again." Raven nodded and their mother turn to her brother. "Let's go back inside alright."

"Yes mother." He took her hand as she carried Raven in her other arm.  

Thank you for reading. I was going to do this just one but I just wanted it to be in two. Anyway see ya in the next story. Raven Out!
P.s: Raven and Ray are mine. The Avengers are marvel and I do not own Marvel but I wish I did anyway byeeeee!!!!!

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