Pietro and Wanda

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            Loki was fast asleep when there was banging on the door. Loki groan and sat up. He got up and unlock the door. "This better be good for waking me up." Steve was standing there with a look of distress.

"Loki, Raven is missing!"


"We just notice this-" Loki didn't let Steve finish his sentence and runs down to the living room. Upon arriving he sees all the Avengers already there. Steve is right behind him. "Why aren't you guys searching from her!" Loki yelled.

"Loki we just found this out." Steve tried to calm down the angry god.

"Even more reason to start searching." Loki was pissed. These mortals were just standing her and not even trying to find her sister.

"She was able to disarm the alarm and left at night. That is why Jarvis didn't alarm us." Tony explains. "Jarvis is already looking at the cameras around the city. I already made a missing report on Raven. It's only a matter of time before we get a hit."

"You are being awful calm." Natasha noted.

Tony shrugged. "She can't get that far without being notice. Its only a matter of time."

"She was able to avoid Shield."

"Well, we aren't Shield." Tony grin.

"Did she leave a note?" Loki asked.

"No. She just left." Bruce said. Bruce was messed. He was pacing back and forward. He was worried.

"Mister Stark." Jarvis replied.

"Right on time. Yes Jarvis."

"I just spotted Miss Raven. Shall I send you, her location?" Jarvis asked.

"Yes, thank you Jarvis." Tony turned to the Avengers. "What are you waiting for suit up? We leave in 10 minutes." As the Avengers left the living room, Thor patted his brother shoulder.

"We will find her brother." Loki just nodded.

"Lets just go get her."


With Raven, Raven was walking on the outskirts of New York city. It had been a long night. She ate an apple as she walked but then stopped dead in her tracks. Someone was watching her. She could feel it. Raven started to walk slowly but then started sprinting.

The Avengers could not be here already. It was still too early. Had they found her already?

Out the corner of her eye, she sees a flash of blue. 'What the?' The flash of blue tripped her and Raven landed on her face.

"Didn't see that coming." The person said with a heavy Sokovia accent.

Raven stood up and dusted herself off. "Now Pietro, be nice to the girl." Another person said but not with a heavy accent like the other one.

"Come on now. I was just teasing her." The man chuckled. He looked normal expect for his sliver hair.

The girl turns to Raven. She had long brown hair and shorter than the man. She smiled at Raven and asked. "What is your name?"

Raven tensed up. "And why should I tell you?"

"We aren't going to hurt you dear." The man said with a foolish grin.

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