A sibling fight

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            Loki watches from the other side of the field as he watches as Raven struggles to stand up. Ridiculous he thinks. Does this go not know that I am a God it's futile to keep struggling and fighting when her fate is death. Loki reminisces about why he thought that this girl was his sister. Was it because this girl reminded him of a person he dearly lost? Lucky cat remembers his sisters face anymore to blur. He does even remember her name or anything about her but why did he sink this was her. All the girls and all the kids that he could have thought that was his sister but why her.

Loki chuckled. Maybe he didn't even have a sister. Maybe he was so alone when he was younger that he created an imaginary sibling to keep him company. Was it really his imagination? It doesn't matter now. Maybe this could be the one thing he does right two avenger sibling and make her pay for what she did to his brother. he might not have been the best brother to Thor, but he won't let this mortal hurt his brother.

Never mind that. That is all in the past but now she will pay for what she has done. Raven charged towards him with a weak attack, and he easily blocked it. "Do you really think you will be able to beat me with your level of strength. Do not make me laugh you are nothing, but a mortal and I am a God you will bow before me." lucky grabbed her arm and kicked her in the stomach with his knee. Raven gagged and fell to her knees in front of Loki. "See you are nothing and you will die here. You should have thought before you hurt my brother. Farewell mortal."

As Loki was about to take the final blow, Raven thought to herself. Was this how I die. Will I really die like this? After all I've done to survive to live, I just died here. No, I refuse. I refuse to die here after all I did to fight to escape that hell. Raven clutched her fist. She tackled Loki's legs. Loki fell to the ground and Raven got on top of him. She punched Loki repeatedly. Her eyes were blurry. She didn't want to die. She wanted to live. Please let me live. She thought. Loki kicked Raven away from him.

Raven rolled onto the floor. Loki was bruised and bleeding from his nose. He probably had a broken nose. He stood back up. "You mortal. You will die at my hands." Loki grabbed Raven by the collar and lifted her from the ground. Tears already falling from Raven face. Loki frozen. Raven took the chance to bit Loki hand. Loki screeched in pain and dropped her. Raven fell to the ground and quickly got back up. She grabbed his collar and butthead his head as hard as she could. He stumbled back and glared back at her.

"You will pay with your life mortal." He went to grab his daggers but the were no longer there. He turns back to Raven. There his daggers were in her hands. She then lunged forward as she tried to stab him. Once she did, the image of Loki faded. An illusion She thought. if that were an illusion where is the real Loki. She turned everywhere left right up and down. She couldn't find him. Did he run off? It's not until she heard Ray scream, "Behind you!"

Raven quickly turned around to see dagger coming towards her. She dodges it with ease but then she felt a sharp pain in her side. She looks down to see a dagger plunged into her side. She knew who was behind her. She fell to the ground as she bleeds out. She hears Loki footsteps. HE was going to finish the job. She closed her eyes. "RAVEN!" Ray blocked Loki from going any further. Before Loki can react, Ray made multiply icicles and let them rain on Loki. Loki was pushed further away from the two and when it was safe Ray sits by Raven side. He sighs in relief. She's still breathing but she need help now. No way she can survive to make it to the city. Will she die here? He thought.

Until he left a hand on his shoulder.


Raven eyes opened. She sat up quickly. Where was she. What happened to Ray and Loki. She looked down to see the knife wasn't there. She stood up and looked around her surroundings. It was bedroom not fit for any adult. The bed was too small. There was a balcony connected to the room. The room itself looked it was made of gold.

Raven picked up the paper that was near her feet. It was a drawing. Clearly made by a child. Raven let the paper fall and made her way to the balcony. She was hit with a cold breeze of wind. She took in the sight. Everything seems to be made of gold. She saw house and house. She saw something but she couldn't see it clearly. It was a rainbow bridge. Impossible. She laughed. "There's no such things like a rainbow bridge." She said to herself.

"There is such a thing my dear."

Raven turned around and she saw a woman. She had long light brown hair, that half of it was in braid that wrapped around her, and the rest was down. She wore a simply white dress Raven felt the woman eyes pierced through Raven's body. As if she was reading Raven like a book. "Who are you?" Raven asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking. The woman started walking towards Raven while Raven walked away from the woman. Raven couldn't go any further once she hit the railing. The woman cupped Raven cheeks. Her hands were warm. Raven felt safe.

"Raven." The woman finally said.

Raven eyes widen. "How do you know my name?"

"How much you've grown." The woman smiled.

"My name, how do you know my name?" Raven shakes underneath the woman touch.

"I gave it to you my dear, Raven."

Raven stands there, shock. "You're my mother." Raven could barley get the words out of her mouth.

The woman nodded. "You were so small the last time I saw you. That night. I am sorry my dear. I wished I had protected you better." Raven could no longer stop the tear. The wom- no her mother pulls her in for a hug. Someone had taken care of her. Someone cared for her. Someone loved her. Raven hugged the woman back. Raven cried in joy and sadness.

Her mother lifted Raven chin. "I am so proud of you my dear. You've grown up to be so big."

Raven laughed, "Why didn't you find me."

Her mother sighed. "Your stepfather, the king wanted to find you and kill you," Raven flinched but her mother caressed her head as she continued to speak, "But I would not let him so I casted a spell to make everyone forget about you. To keep you safe. Not a day goes by where I didn't think of you. I even slowed your age so he would never find you ever again." Her mother looked into Raven's eyes. "I wanted to find you. I wanted to bring you back into my arms. It was too dangerous to bring you back here. Odin feared that you would grow stronger and feared he couldn't be able to stop you."

"I will die knowing I had someone who love me." Raven smiled as looked up to her mother.

Her mother smiled was not one of happiness but one of sadness. "No, my dear." She gently pushes Raven back. "It is not your time yet. You are far to young. You have so much to live for but one day you will be reunited with me. That day is not now." Everything around began to disappear. Raven frantically looked at her mother.

"You are waking up now." She smiled. "I love you, my daughter." Her mother kissed Raven on her forehead. Her mother didn't need or have to say it, but Raven knew her mother was no longer in this world. Raven smiled. "I love you, mother." Raven closed her eyes as she was embraced by her mother one final time. 

Thanks for reading and I own Alex and Raven. Like always see you in the next story. Raven Out!

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