My past

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               When Tony went to check up on Raven, he didn't expect for her to be up already. She was sitting up with her legs up to her chest. He knocked on the wall to get her attention. She looks over to him. "Good morning Raven."

"Morning." Barely a above a whisper.

"You look tired? Did you get any sleep?"

She shook her head. "Couldn't sleep."

He nodded. "Well would you like breakfast?" He asked. She nodded. "Well come one. Let's go get some." She stood up from the bed and followed Tony. Once they got there everyone was already seated and eating their breakfast. Everyone said hello to Raven. She nodded back. She once seated she kept her eyes on the table. Steve set her plate in front of her. "Tell me if you want more, okay?"

"Okay." Raven slowly ate her food but got full already. "I'm done." Steve frowned. He looked at her plate. She had barley touched anything. She took a bite of the pancakes and the eggs but there was still a lot of food left.

"I guess you don't like pancakes and eggs." Steve chuckled.

"No. They're my favorite." Steve frozen. The chatter stopped. All eyes were on Raven. Raven started bouncing her leg. Did she do something wrong. Should she not have ate. Were they mad at her? Raven breathing became uneven. She flinched when she left a had on her shoulder. She looks to see Bruce.

"I need to do a check up on you. Let us go do it now." He smiled. She nodded and followed him.

Once the two lefts, Tony spoke up first. "She didn't even touch her plate."

"We can see that, Tony." Clint chimed in as he ate the rest of his eggs.

"What did those people do to her." Steve asked aloud.

Loki was furious. He clenched his fork in his hand. Thor placed his hand on his brother shoulder. Loki looked over to his brother. He could tell Thor was furious as well. "Hopefully-" Loki looked over to Tony, who began to talk, "Bruce can get some information about her." The Avengers sat in silent. All the pressure was on Bruce and hoy boy he could feel it.

Bruce had just finished his check up on Raven. She sat there on the bed, looking off into space. Bruce sat in the chair in front of her. "Raven." Raven looked up to the sound of her voice. "I'm going to ask you some question." She nodded her head. "Where were you born."


Bruce wrote down her answer. The questions were simple like what was her name, age, siblings, and parents. He made note that Raven flinched when asked about her parents and adopted parents. "Did anything happen with your adopted parents." She stopped. "Raven? I need you to answer the question."

She looks to the ground. "No. Nothing happened."

"Raven." Raven flinched at the tone of his voice. "Answer it honestly."

Raven stayed quiet. She could trust him. He seems genuine. He seems liked he really did care for her but a voice in her head begged her to not tell him. He would turn like those people. "Yeah, somethings happened."

"Like what."

There is no back down. Raven went on about her life living there. She would tell him how things were normal for a few months but after they would lock her in her room, leave her with out food. She told him about the experiments they had done to her. Raven finally made eye contact with Bruce, once she was finished. He was looking down at his notes. He stood up and let his notes fall.

Bruce hugged Raven.

Raven flinched at the sudden hug but slowly melt into it. Her eyes began to water. She bit her tongue to stop herself from crying. "It's okay." Raven eyes widen. "Let it all out." Raven bit her lips and just let it all out. She was sobbing in the doctors' arms. The doctor whispers soothing things to Raven. 'It's okay.' Or 'You're safe.' Raven never felt this kind of warmth before.

Raven had cried herself to sleep. Bruce tucked the girl into bed and picked up his forgotten notes. Tony stood in the doorway. Bruce expression darken. "Please gather everyone in the conference room." Tony nodded and left. The doctor looked at the sleeping girl. She looked so calm. He wished that she would not have to go through that. No. He will not let her.

He will protect her.


The Avenger sat there in disbelief as Bruce read his notes aloud. After he was done, there was silent. Loki slammed his fist against the table. "How dare they!"

"Brother calm down!"

"Thor I will not calm down!"

Thor grabbed his brother shoulders. "I am just as angry as you are, but this will do us no good!"

"We will not mention anything about this to Raven and Raven is not to leave the tower by herself." Bruce stated. "They are still out there so until they are behind bars. Raven must not be left alone. Understood." They nodded. "Good. Also do not overwhelm her. She needs space. So you two," He looked over to Thor and Loki. "For right now, stay away from her."

Loki want to argue but was cut off by Bruce again.

"I don't need you two messing things up and making her feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Understood." Thor nodded while Loki mumbled okay. "Good. She is resting right now. I'll check up on her later." The doctor said no more and left followed by Tony. Loki walked with Thor not to far behind him.



"Do not do anything rash." Loki turned around to his brother. "I know you are angry. So am I but we must be calm for our sister stake." He had a point. They have to be there for raven. "I'm going to my room." Loki walked away from Thor. Once he got ahold on those mortals. Its over for them 

Thanks for reading. I don't own any character expect Rose , Alex and Raven thats all. See ya in the next book. Raven out!

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