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            Loki watches as Tony rushes in with Thor on a stretcher. Tony set Thor the floor as Bruce rushes over and starts to examine Thor. "What happened to my brother." Loki shouts as he rushes to his brother side.

"He was like that when I found him." Tony explains as he stands up. Loki turns over to his brother. Whoever did this will pay for their life. Then it hit him.

"Whoever did this must have Raven. We need to go back." He quickly stands up. Stark doesn't look Loki in the eyes.

"Well about that." Stark starts, "I would trace of powerful traces of energy on Thor. So, I believe Raven did this to Thor." Loki goes silent.

Everyone goes silent. "Are you sure Tony?" Steve spoke up.

"Pretty sure. You saw what she did at that house. I wouldn't be surprised if she did this, but I don't think she- "Loki shoves Tony out of his way. "Woah, reindeer games where are you going?"

"To find her." He storms out. No way she could this. She wouldn't hurt him. He's, her brother. Loki stops in his tracks. Is she even her little sister? He tries to remember her face when she was little. He closed his eyes and tries to remember. He can't. He can't remember her face.

He cursed under his breath. She could not be his sister. How stupid could he be. HOW BLIND COULD HE BE!? He laughed. He was going to kill this girl.


"Raven you must wake up."

Raven opened her eyes and sat up. Who was that? She looks up and see she wasn't in the forest. She's in a small house. Why am I here? Who brought me here? She thought. She pulls the blanket from her and stands up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

She quickly turns around to see a guy. He couldn't be a year older than her. He had blue eyes and brown hair. "Where am I?" She asked.

He sets down his bag. "You're in my house. A thank you would be nice."

"Sorry if I'm on guard. I am at a strangers house." Raven spat back.

"Raymond but call me Ray."

"I don't remember asking for you name."


She sighs. "Raven." She looks away from him and goes to the window. "So, you live in the forest?"

"Near a forest and nice to meet you Raven."

She sighs. "Look thanks for having me but I need my stuff now." She turns to look for him. "My shoes and jacket please." She holds out her hand.


"No?" She laughs. "Are you kidding me." She takes a step forward, but she's stop. She can't move. She looks down as her feet. Ice. She looks back up at him.

He shrugs. "I thought you were going to kill me."

"Still going to."

"You're not helping your case."

"So, this why you live out here. You are hiding from someone."

"Neither going to confirm or denied."

"Look if you're worried that I'm going to go rat you out, I'm not. Trust me."

"You're on the run too?" He asked.

"Kind of. Unless you want the Avengers busting down your door. I suggest you let me go."

Ray eyes widen. "THE AVENGERS? What the hell did you do?"

"Too long of a story." She waved him off. "Look I need to get out of her before they find me. Alright. You don't tell them I was here, and I won't tell anyone about your secret. Good?"

The ice began to melt. "Deal." He gave tossed her shoes and jacket to her.

"Thanks." She quickly put on her shoes and jacket as she rushes to the door.

"What were your powers?"

"What?" She turns around to look at him.

"You know. Your powers."

"None of your business."

"Come on. I showed you mines."

"I never asked." She sighed. "Look I got to go before the Avengers all my butt back to New York or did you forget that."

Before he could even say anything, there was a loud crash outside. Raven and Ray head for the window. There was a figure walking towards the house. "Who the hell is that?"

"Ever heard of Loki." Ray nodded. "Well, that's him."


Raven rushes to the door. "What does he want with you."

"Probably got on his bad side." She opens the door. "Stay in here. You'll be safe in here." She shuts the door behind her. She looks towards Loki.

"YOU! You will pay for what you did to Thor!" Loki shouted.



"Yes sister?" He responds without looking up from his book.

"Do you hate me?"

His eyes shot up from his book and looked at his sister. "Why would you say that sister?" He closed his book.

"I mean. I know how annoying I can be and I get in trouble a lot and...and" The little girl started to tear up.

He pulls his sister into a hug. "I could never hate you sister. I don't even think that's even possible. You my wonderful sister. I will always love you. I will always protect you."

She smiled. "Thank you, brother."

Thanks for reading and I own Raven and Ray. See ya in the next story. Raven Out!

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