10 ○ 5th member

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A week passed and the only time I see Yooa is in dance practice. She is still the same happy and goofy Yooa, which makes me happy.

I hope to see only that side of her. When I think back about how much she cried it breaks my heart.....


Yesterday Namjoon came and told me everything. Yooa was removed from the group.

Today I saw her in dance practice. She greeted me happily and was how she normally is. Did she forget being removed?

After practice I went to her. It was our last lesson for today.

"Yooa wait! Can I talk to you for a second?" I stopped her from leaving.

"Yeah of course. What's wrong?"

"Let's go talk somewhere else." I smiled to her.

"Ok...." she was confused.

We walked to a park and sat down on a bench.

"Namjoon told me everything. Are you alright?" I asked her looking concerned.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" she smiled, but didn't look at me.

"Yooa look at me"

Her smile faded and she didn't turn to look at me.

"Yooa.... please" I could see tears in her eyes. I hugged her.

"It's alright. You can cry, I'm here" I patted her back. She started crying.

"Everything is going to be alright. You can count on me, your brother" I comforted her.

She grabbed on the fabric of my shirt on my waist tightly and sobbed.

Flashback end

She only sees Namjoon and Hunchul rarely. They both are busy. Namjoon told me they told Yoongi and Ikje about Yooa.

They asked at first if it was their fault, for Yooa being removed, but Hunchul told them no and her addition to the group was never 100% sure. They wanted to try it and see how it works.

Yooa practices hard, not that she didn't in the past, but she works harder now. I think she thinks she wasn't good enough and that's the reason she was removed. But it isn't. She is talented.

Another week passed and I was told to go to the meeting room. Bang PD-nim, Jisae noona and the teachers were there.

"So we thought about turning Bangtan into a group and added members, but only rappers are in the group right now. We can't debut them like this and decided we need more members. So we thought about adding you, a dancer and rapper. What do you say?" Bang PD-nim said.

"I- I don't know. I thought there were enough members so I never really thought about it." I was shocked to hear that suddenly.

"We will give you time to think, but don't take too long. Let's say...... 2 days. Tell us in 2 days your answer." he stood up and left the room with everyone else. I stood up, bowed and thanked them. Only Jisae noona stayed.

"Think about your future and answer them. I know about who you think right now, but if you choose not to get in the group because of her and she finds out, you might hurt her. It is also going to be a big part in your future, so only think about you and choose." she smiled at me and left.

I sighed. She is right. The first thing that crossed my mind was Yooa. Why did they remove her, when they need more members? She is a dancer and rapper as well. I really don't understand them.

But the question is now, what am I going to do?

"Here you are. I searched for you. Where were you?" Yooa asked me happily.

I looked at her and smiled, but when I started talking it faded. "*sigh* I was in a meeting with Bang PD-nim, the teachers and Jisae noona. They told me they thought about adding me to Bangtan, since I'm a rapper and dancer."

"Oh my god, really? That's great! Bangtan has 5 members now and you are in! I'm so happy for you. When will you start practicing with them?" she sounded really happy.

"I don't know. I didn't answer them. I have to tell them in 2 days if I want to be a part of Bangtan or not".

"Wait..... you are going to be, aren't you? You have to! You are really talented and have to debut." she turned serious.

"I don't know."

"I know I can't make this decision for you...... but if you are thinking about not going to join Bangtan because of me I'm going to be mad at you. Like my father always say 'I am young and have my whole life ahead', so don't worry about me and make your decision. *cough* say yes *cough*"

I laughed at her and ruffled her hair. "Why are you so cute???"

She laughed too.

"I'm going to think about it and tell them my answer. Thanks for talking to me".

"You know where to find me when you need someone to talk" she smiled.

°•○●Two days later●○•°

I have my answer. I'm going to join Bangtan. I told Bang PD-nim and he told me to go the studio to meet the other members.

On my way to the studio Yooa suprised me. "Booo!!!!" she jumped infront of me and scared me.

"Yaaaahhhh!!" I shouted and she laughed, satisfied with my reaction.

"Congratulations!!!" she held a cupcake infront of me.

"For me?" I asked her.

"Ohh no sorry wrong person. I think the person who joined a group is there" she pointed behind me. I laughed.

"Of course for you. Now take it" she held the cupcake in front of me.

I took it. "Thanks, but how are you so sure I said yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Who wouldn't say yes? And if you said no I would scold you." she acted angry. I laughed at how cute she looked.

"I need to go back to practice and you should go meet your new members."

I hugged her as a bye and she started walking away.

"By the way I baked that Cupcake." she said after turning around and smiled proudly.

"Thanks I'll enjoy it"

She laughed and walked away while waving her hand.

°•○●In the studio●○•°

I introduced myself and they introduced themselves.

"What's that?" Namjoon pointed at the cupcake.

"Ohh that. Yooa gave it to me as a present for joining the group. She said she baked it." I proudly stated.

"What?! Where's mine?" he asked. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"I want one too." Hunchul said.

"Give me a bite." Namjoon said while trying to take the cupcake.

"No way!!! It's mine, she made it for me!" I took a big bite. He glared at me.

"Mmmhhh delicious" I continued eating it.

"Fine I'm going to ask her to make me some and I won't share with you!" he sulked.

Yoongi and Ikje just watched. "Are they always like that?" Ikje asked.

Hunchul put one hand on Ikjes shoulder and his other hand on Yoongis shoulder "welcome to Bangtan."

To be continued....

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