15 ○ Regret

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●○Next Day○●


I can't believe she didn't tell us that her mother left and she moved in a dorm. We thought she knows that she can share her problems with us? How could she just not say anything?


We are disappointed in her. I told her a lot of times she can talk to me and after she cried so much about being removed from the group I thought she wouldn't hold back anymore for me to comfort her again. But looks like I was wrong.


Even if she didn't come to me to talk she should have went to Namjoon or Hoseok. They know her longer and better than I do, but she didn't. I really want to know what she thinks of us. What are we to her?


We wanted to surprise Yooa yesterday and have a small party for her helping us. We searched for her only to find out she went to the airport to bid farewell to her mother who was leaving. The girls who live with her now told us.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Hunchul tried calling her, but she didn't answer. They were angry, disappointed and sad. They wanted to be with her and comfort her.


I can understsnd them. They are disappointed and a bit angry, but they should think in Yooas perspective. She is caring amd knows how hard we have it here, trying our best to debut.

I have only known her for a short time, but I can see she cares for others a lot and tries her best alone. She was being herself and didn't want us to worry and focus on our practice. But did she think we would never find out about it?

We were just sitting in the studio. Everyone had a paper infront of them. We should be practicing right now, but their thoughts are on Yooa. We won't come far this way.

"I understand you, but put yourself in Yooas shoes? You guys should know how she is. She didn't want to worry you. She knows we should focus. You couldn't meet her yesterday, which I think is good. You would have shouted at her in the state you were. She has it already difficult, don't add anything. The best thing you can do for her is comfort her, tell her she isn't alone." I tried getting their attention.

They looked up to me. "We told her more than enough that she has us." Namjoon scoffed.

"So you are not thinking about what I told you just now?" I glared at him.

"He is right. Don't be too angry." Ikje tried breaking our glare contest.

In that moment the door opened, revealing Yooa.

Ikje, Hunchul and I looked at her, while Hoseok and Namjoon glared at her.

I scoffed.

"I'm so sorry..." she closed the door behind her.

"Come sit down." Ikje pointed at the seat next to him. She sat down.

Me                  Ikje             Yooa
Hunchul       Hoseok      Namjoon

Nobady talked. She looked at all of us and then down to her hands, which she rested on her lap. I could see how she was gripping the end of her shirt. I sighed.

"How are you feeling Yooa?" Ikje broke the silence.

"Good." she smiled at him.

Namjoon and Hoseok continued their stare at Yooa, which started to annoy me.

I kicked Hunchuls leg under the table. He looked at me and I nodded at Hoseok and Namjoon. He unterstood what I meant and elbowed Hoseok, who looked at him. He nodded at me and I to Namjoon. He elbowed Namjoon and looked at me again. Namjoon turned his head from Yooa to Hoseok and then to me. I glared at them and shook my head, trying to tell them to stop.


I looked to Yoongi. He glared at Hoseok and me, then shook his head. He wants us to stop staring at her. I know we should, but I just can't.

I'm mad at her. I thought of her as my little sister, my family, who she can rely on and tell her problems but looks like she didn't think the same of me. I was hurt. I talked to Hoseok and he has the same feelings and thoughts.

I tried saying something to her, but couldn't. I know I would lose control and start shouting at her, so I didn't open my mouth.


These guys seriously. They stayed the same. They won't talk to her. The only difference is now that they looked down.

"I'm really really sorry. I have to go back to practice. I'll see you all. Good luck on your practice." she looked at us.

She stood up and walked towards the door. She opened it and looked back to Namjoon and Hoseok, who didn't move and didn't gave her a single glance.

She sighed and slowly closed the door.

"Great, just great. Why asking her to meet when not even talk to her? She is busy too you know." I stood up.

"Stay here and practice. I will go and do the thing you should have done." I directly looked at Namjoon, Hoseok and Hunchul.

I went after Yooa, almost ran. "Wait Yooa-yah!" I shouted when I saw her.

She stopped walking and turned to me. "Yes?" she smiled at me.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your practice but I need to talk to you." I said. She nodded and we went to a park.

"I'm sorry for those idiots, but they are disappointed and hurt. They want to know what you think about them. They think of you as their sister. I heard Namjoons and Hoseoks conversation yesterday. I told them to talk to you, but it looks like you have to act as the older one and make the first move." I confessed.

She was sitting on a swing.

"I should apologize. I'm at fault here. They did nothing wrong. I'm just scared if they will forgive me...." she looked down.

I could see tears already forming in her eyes.

I sighed and held my arm towards her. She looked up suprised.

"Need a shoulder to cry on?" I weakly smiled at her. She didn't wait another second, stood up, hugged my waist and started crying.

I sighed again. I'm not good at comforting others. I don't even know why I'm doing it right know. Maybe because I feel bad for. She is still young and her mother left her. I had a hard time leaving my family, but its worse for her. She is in a foreign country.

I hugged her back, that was the only thing I could do. I can't say comforting words, but a hug should be enough.

I guess I'm caught in her spell as well. The one Namjoon and Hoseok talked about. You just can't help and care for her.

When I get back to the dorm with the others I will make them regret not listening to me. I'm in this awkward position right now, because they didn't want to listen and act like children. They should have been the ones here.

To be continued....

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