19 ○ Jungkook

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The group practiced hard everyday, every hour they could. Their debut date wasn't sure, even if it would still happen this year (2011). Only three members from the rap line were in the final line up, making the other four work even harder.

They were nervous and scared. They could be removed every second. There was still a possibility for them to not debut.

They helped each other and wanted to debut together if possible. Bangtan got close to the new two members. The maknae was still shy, which made the others worry. If he could he would avoid singing infront of others. He must sing infront of a lot of people if he wants to debut.

Jungkook still needed time to open up to his hyungs. The closest person he is right now is Yooa. She would always go to him, talk to him, praise him and ask him to share his problems.

Taehyung being sociable would always try to talk to Jungkook too, but he would try too hard, which made Jungkook uncomfortable. Yooa would always give the maknae some space.

Jungkook was at first shy and couldn't even properly look into Yooas eyes, but now he would always search for her. He opened up to her, which also needed time. In the beginning he couldn't start conversations with her because he was too embaressed calling her 'noona'.

Now he always wanted to practice with her, asking her for her opinion after he made her listen to his singing or rapping or watch his dancing. After that he would show the others.

That happened today as well. It was Saturday, meaning no school in the morning for the students. It was 7 am and Jungkook made his way towards Yooas place, knocking on the door.

After some seconds Yooa opened the door, seeing a smiling Jungkook.

"Good morning noona." Jungkook greeted.

"Good morning kookie." Yooa smiled back using the nickname 'kookie' she got from the other members.

"Are you ready? Let's go to the Entertainment together I want to show you the new song I learned." Jungkook asked and waited infront of the door of her apartment.

"No, wait I need to pack my back. Come in." she stepped back letting him in.

She quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed three water bottles. She put them in her backpack and thought what else was needed. Her wallet and a towel were already inside. Remembering the missing items she went back to the kitchen, taking some snacks and stuffing them in the bag.

Jungkook was sitting at the small table in the living room, waiting patiently for Yooa to finish.

"Okay done," she walked towards him zipping her backpack up "but shouldn't we wait for the others?"

"It's alright. I already told them we would go first." Jungkook stood up, ready to leave and show what he practiced for a week. He was proud at how it turned out and was excited to show it to the others, only after showing it to Yooa first.

"Okay then let's go." she smiled brightly at him, finding the younger one cute over his excitement.

'He changed a lot', Yooa thought.

They both went to an empty room in the Entertainment Building and Jungkook started singing.

"How was it?" he asked.

"I really liked it. You did a great job maknae~," she praised him ruffling his hair "but how about you sing this different?" she pointed out the part for him.

He asked her how and she sang it.

"You try it." she said.

He tried it, getting it right at the first try.

"I think that's better. What do you think?" Yooa asked.

"Yeah I think so too. Thank you noona." Jungkook smiled, relieved he asked Yooa again to hear it for the first time before showing it to someone else.

After their little practice together they went their seperate ways. Jungkook went to show it to the vocal teacher, Mr. Choi, while Yooa went to her rap practice.

At one pm the group met and started practicing together.

In break time Taehyung went to Yooa and asked if they could eat together. He wanted to talk to her about something important as well. Yooa agreed and they went outside, leaving Jungkook disappointed in the room.

He had his wallet in his hand and stood in the middle of the room. He was ready to go to Yooa and eat outside together like they always did, but stopped when he saw Taehyung going to Yooa. His smile fell when he saw them exiting the room to go eat without him.

"Jungkook let's go." Namjoon put his hand on the back of the younger one.

The maknae nooded and they went to fifth to buy something to eat.

Yooa and Taehyung went outside to a stall to eat ddeokbokki.

They ordered their food and talked about random stuff. When their food was severed they started eating.

"What is the important thing you wanted to talk about." Yooa asked after swallowing the food down.

"It's about Jungkook." Taehyung said with his mouth full. Yooa ignored it, because she was already used to it. He would always talk with his mouth full.

"Is it because he doesn't talk to you guys?"

"Yes... you noticed it too," Taehyung stopped eating "he knows he can always talk to you and spent time with you, so he never really talks to us. He is still shy with us. I'm not saying you should stop talking to him, but maybe spend some time with one of us so he is forced to stay with the others?"

"I really don't know. Not that I'm against the idea him staying with you guys, that would be good, but I don't think he would like that. I can understand him, I was in his situation. When I first came I was always with Namjoon oppa, before I knew the others. I hated the idea not being able to be together with Namjoon oppa, Hoseok oppa or Hunchul oppa. I didn't want to be alone and with strangers. Maybe we can try something else?"

"You are right. We didn't look it from his perspective. I will talk to the others about that, thank you." Taehyung showed his famous box smile and started eating again.

Yooa chuckled and started eating too. She thought about ways to get Jungkook closer to the others. He would need them, especially because she might not debut with them.

They all met again in the Building for their dance practice. Yooa and Taehyung were the last ones from the group to enter.

"Noona~" Jungkook ran towards Yooa. She smiled back. The other looked at the youngest and just sighed.

Hoseok and Yooa had to teach the other ones a choreography and they needed to split the five into two groups. Two would go to Yooa and the other three to Hoseok.

Yooa looked at Taehyung and remembered their conversation, so she choose Taehyung to be in her group.

"Taehyung oppa you come to my group," she looked to Hoseok "because we talked earlier and I promised him to help him with dancing." she winked to Hoseok to give him a sign.

He understood her intention "Okay. Then Yoongi hyung you go to her group too. The rest comes to me."

Jungkook was a bit sad. He wanted to be in Yooas group, but he couldn't refuse and he wouldn't. This is important and he would do what they wanted him to. He wanted to debut. So he went towards Hoseok and they started learning the new dance.

To be continued....

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