23 ○ Final lineup

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After Yooa returned she met the new member Jimin, who was very shy at first.

"You two are really alike." Namjoon said to Yooa and Jimin.

"I thought so too." Seokjin said.

"How?" Yooa asked.

"Surname is Park, you both have chubby cheeks, were shy at first, but when you get closer to others you become so happy and always laugh." Namjoon said.

"You're also really caring and kind." Seokjin continued.

"But your expressions change when you dance." Hoseok finished.

"Now that you say that, I can see it too." Yoongi said.

"Yes you both have chubby cheeks!" Taehyung laughed and pinched their cheeks.

Yooa and Jimin just laughed at Taehyungs actions.

"We should call you Park siblings!" Taehyung suddenly said.

"Yes, let's call you that!" Jungkook agreed.

"Why do we need something like that?" Yooa asked.

"Why not? Jimin and I are 95-line." Taehyund answered.

"And the others?" Yooa asked.

"I guess I can be called Busan boys or something with Jungkookie." Jimin said.

"Me and Hoseok 94-line?" Namjoon let out.

"That's so cool. What about me and the others?" Yooa laughed.

Nobody answered because they didn't know.

"Maybe we will think of something in the future." Seokjin said.

And with that their break ended and they went back to practice. Or more likely the boys did, because Yooa was still injured and just watch them dance.

A lot of time passed, and it was time in deciding the final lineup in Bangtan. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok are already in it for sure.

Many things happened in the mean time. Everyone in the vocal line got removed from the group at least once, only to be added back. The Park siblings got removed most of the times.

What also happened to the Park siblings is, that they went on diets and lost most of the weight from all the members. Yooa was told to lose a bit, because weight for a girl is important in the industry.

She lost her confidence and lost a lot of weight even to the point were the boys had to stop her and tell her how unhealthy she was getting. They always bought her food and made sure she ate more.

Jimin lost his confidence after seeing other boys. He thought he was too fat, which of course wasn't true. He wanted a sharp jawline and pointy chin, so he lost also more weight then he should have.

Everyone who was not in the lineup practiced on their own a song they would sing and dance to. They would need to perform it infront of the staff, Bang PD-nim and Bangtan.

They got two weeks to prepare and now it was time to perform.

It started with Jimin. He did in both, singing and dancing very well, but the staff and Bang PD-nim kept a straight face.

Taehyung went next. He did good, but made some mistakes out of nervousness he got after seeing their reaction from Jimins performance.

The same went for the others. Yooa went last. She was confident, but like the others she got nervous after Jimins performance.

She finished without a mistake and Bang PD-nim thanked them and left with the staff.

"I made so many mistakes!" Taehyung whined.

"Me too!" Seokjin said.

The mood was down and the only thing they wanted to do was go home and sleep. They have been practicing non-stop for the past two weeks and are tired.

That's what they did, go home and rest. Nobody talked much and they just did something on their own. The rapper line tried lifting their mood, but with no success and after a while they stopped trying.

Another week passed and everyone was called in a meeting room separately.


I was called and went in. After greeting and bowing to Bang PD-nim and the staff I sat down.

"So..... we have discussed about the final lineup for a week and have came to a solution. But there is still some things we would like to talk about and ask you." Bang PD-nim said.

After asking me questions they said I could leave.

I stood up, bowed to them and wanted to leave, but Bang PD-nim interrupted me.

"Wait, I have a last question for you. What do you think to have someone like Jimin in the group?" he asked.

Jimin? Why ask about him? And only him? Does that mean they have the intention of not putting him in Bangtan?

But that's not what I want. I will answer this honestly.

"I would love to have Jimin in this group. I can talk to him and tell him my concerns. He will go through my ups and downs and he will be there to laugh with me and to cry with me in the bathroom. It would be good if I get to debut with such a good friend."

After that I left and was happy with my answer.

3rd's POV

Another day passed and they would anounce the final lineup of Bangtan. Everyone was in an empty dance practice room.

While Bang PD-nim and the staff were sitting infront of the members, they stood infront of them.

They were told to go to the right side and every member anounced should go to the left.

"Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok can go the left side. You are already in the final lineup. Now to the rest." he sighed.

"We thought for a long time and it took us longer than expected, but we have come to decide the final lineup of Bangtan Sonyeondan. We will be working on the debut album after this." BangPD-nim said.

"Now, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Junkook, please step forward." he continued.

The three stepped forward.

"You three are still lacking and need more practice, but we have decided that you will debut. Please go to the left."

They bowed, thanked them and went to the rapper line, who hugged the three and congratulated them.

"Now, with this we had the most problems." he sighed and looked at Jimin, Hyosang and Yooa.

"We are sorry to anounce that only Jimin made it."

With that it went silent. Bangtan was happy for Jimin, but Yooa and Hyosang wouldn't debut with them.

The boys started crying. They were shocked and sad. Everyone cryed.

"I'm sorry about that. Hyosang and Yooa please follow me." he left with the staff and two trainees.

To be continued....


Sorry it took me so long to uptade!

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