14 ○ Lot of crying

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The next day came, the day I would move in to a dorm.

It was an early sunday morning. Mom and me went to the dorm with my luggage. I ringed the bell and a girl opened the door.

"Hello you must be Yooa." she walked to the side to let me in.

"Yes." I walked in smiling at her, but in the inside I didn't feel like smiling.

"I'm Yooas mother. I'll be going now. Please take good care of my daughter." mom smiled to the girl.

"Of course we will. It was nice to meet you." she smiled to my mom.

"Nice to meet you too." mom said before hugging me and leaving.

"My name is Jisol." she closed the door.

"The others are inside, come." she went inside to the living room. It was small and there wasn't really any funiture.

"Hello my name is Park Yooa." I bowed to the other 4 girls. They smiled to me and stood up from the floor since there was no chouch.

"I'm Haneul."



"Yooa hi, you know me, Suji."

"Suji hi." I said to the familiar girl.

I knew Suji from dance practice. I was alone after Hoseok left and made friends with her, Somin and Chaewon. I was glad that here was at least one person I knew.

"You know each other?" Bora asked.

"Yes from dance practice." Suji smiled.

"Come sit." Haneul sat down. I sat with them on the floor around a small table.

We talked a bit and then left to the Entertainment. We parted our ways and I went with Chaewon and Haneul to vocal lessons.

Bangtan will practice on their own since they had rapping and I couldn't help them with it.

We practiced and went to dance practice. After that we went back to the dorm. I wanted to stay longer and improve my singing, but they dragged me along with them, wanting to spent more time with me to know me better.

●○In the dorm with all 5 girls○●

"So you are the one who everyone talks about your dancing skills?" Haneul asked shocked.

I chuckled embarrased. The girls looked all at me. We sat around the table in the living room.

We talked a lot and they told me they knew about me and Bangtan.

After talking for a while we decided to go to sleep. I was curious where I would sleep so I asked them.

"You are going to sleep with me and Jisol unni." Haneul said. The other 3 girls are in one room.

I nodded and brought my stuff, which was still in the living room, to our room. I unpacked my things, packed my school stuff for tomorrow and got ready for bed. I felt like crying as I layed down on my bed, which I shared with Jisol. It was a bed for 2 persons. Haneul slept on a bed for one person, but if I stretched my arm out I could touch it. The dorm was pretty small.

I thought about tomorrow, the day mom will be leaving. The other girls are asleep. I silently cryed and fell asleep.

●○Next morning○●

I woke up early to go to school. Suji, Chanmi and Bora woke up as well. They had school too. We got ready and ate cereal. Mom would always fix me a proper meal.

We left for school. I went alone, since I go to an international school while the 3 girls go to a normal one. They go to the same one.

After school I rushed to the airport. Mom was waiting for me.

We bid farewell while sobbing.

"Take care, have enough sleep, always eat 3 meals a day, don't practice too hard and don't forget to call me" mom cryed. We didn't break the hug

I couldn't bring one word out and just nodded.

Her plane was announced and she had to leave.

"I love you so much, never forget that" she tightend the hug.

"L-love you too" I managed to bring out.

She broke the hug, looked at me while smiling weakly, then caressed my cheek. She wiped my tears away, but there were new ones already replacing them. I couldn't stop crying. I tightly gripped her shirt on her waist. I didn't want to let go, but I had to.

After mom left I made my way to the Building. I looked at my phone and saw missed calls from Namjoon, Hoseok and Hunchul. I didn't hear them since I turned my phone to mute.

Then suddenly Namjoon called again. I answered it.

Me: "Hello-"

Namjoon: *shouting* "Guys she answered! Yaaahh!!!! Park Yooa we know everything! Why didn't you tell us anything! You live in a dorm and your mom left!!!"

Hoseok: "We are disappointed!"


Namjoom: "Yooa-yah.... is everything alright?...."

Me: "I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you guys....."

I tried my best to not cry.

Namjoon: *sigh* " Where are you now?"

Me: "On my way to BigHit"

Namjoon; "We will talk then. Be careful on your way back. See you"

Me: "Bye....."

We ended the call. I didn't want them to worry, but I made it worse.....
They are mad now. Great.

After arriving in BigHit I went to practice. I was lucky and had 1:1 vocal lessons. My eyes were red and puffy from the crying. Mr. Choi knew why and didn't ask too much, only if I was alright. I nodded and smiled, we then started the lesson.

After 2 hours it was break. I didn't do well and Mr. Choi said it was from the crying. He suggested me to go back to the dorm and rest, since I had dance lesson left and it wasn't that big of a deal if I skipped it for once. I did as he told me and called Namjoon I was going to the dorm to rest. He sighed and told me to rest well.

At the dorm I did my school homework and wanted to eat something, but didn't have an appetite, so I skipped dinner (and lunch).

I went to sleep, but couldn't fell asleep. I thought about mom, then my whole family. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I started crying.

I stopped and wiped my tears quickly away when I heard the girls entering the dorm.

I acted if I was asleep and heard the door to my room opening. Someone walked to me and caressed my head.

"Poor her, she cryed. The pillow is wet...." Jisol sighed.

"We should let her sleep. Let's go unni" Haneul said.

They both left to the living room and I could hear them talking.

"She is asleep. She cryed" Jisol said.

"It is normal, her mom left. She is still young" Bora said.

I cryed again and bit my hand to not be loud. After some time I fell asleep.

To be continued....

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