[the twin sister] Jonathan

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Fluff! X female reader, cursing language, sweet plot, gentle Jonathan. Sorry no smut in this story! <3

don't own pic!


jonathan pov:

Romeo and Juliet the star-cross lovers.

[name] is my Juliet, her ethereal glow of her hair fell softly around her face, her presence reminds me the melancholy feelings, the e/c gemstone eyes stare obsessed at the quite surrounding with set of knitting sticks as her hands work on weaving a scarf.

Her Lips are seal as she dare not to speak to a stranger like me before her eyes, but within her beauty she hold. How my eyes won't once blink. I felt my heart beats of every time she blink.

the helpless mind still goes about her.


"Jojo?" A voice attack my trance and rip away. With Lady Erina look worried but I shook my head in response.

"I apologize...I'll be honest Erina but days of not seeing [name] is a troubling me so much. I might-"

I double take of a person figure that is crossing this way, the resemblance of [name] came clear, holding a [color] lace parasol, her [color] dress (yes a dress) set her figure and details is a catch of attention. Passing on her shin, set pair of boots as Dio match the colors but lays a different design. He's chest stood high,with straight posterior and height differences with his twin but elbow held out proudly as [name] hold onto him with unoccupied hand. They stood as royals themselves.

"go look for her myself..."

I want to talk her. I want her voice to be hear by me. I place down the tea cup, throw the cloth away from my lap before standing up. I hear Erina giggle and grab her fan as she standing up.

"My, I see why she and dio are talk in town with those looks! [name] makes every women's envy of her beauty...ha even myself is  bit jealous-must be gods blessing"

I'm familiar with Dio, he's always a talk around town and looks but dio is very much protective of his twin sister, [name].

I slowly huff my chest out, hold myself straighter and dust myself a little before I speak.

"Hello, I'm Jonathan Joestar pleasure to meet the Brando's" i gently nodded and hold my hand towards [name] her eyes flutter towards me.

Slowly taking her hand away from dio, her eyes seem to stare deeply much as I did and place a kiss of greeting.

"hello to you " she finally spoke, the voice seem to be shy to avoid embarrassment but her cheeks taken a bold move to blush as her hand start to tremble against mine.

"I think that's enough" Dio hand reach over and grab her palm away and set them on his elbow back. He take a glance at me, he's eyes hardened of a warning but rather another hand grab his.

"Look at you, dio don't be so burdened for your sister and come with me for a moment!" Erina chirp and forcibly tug his attached chain on his shirt. He glare and angry shouts back

"For what problem you have with me?" Dio tried to grip his sister but she freely pull away and stood beside as we both watch the sense unfold of Dio struggle.

"Just come and I show you brat" Erina giggle, drag him away as she send a wink towards me but Dio gumble of annoyance as he shot a glare at me.

"JoJo you better keep my sister safe and don't do anything that makes her uncomfortable" he said and walk away.

I just wave with a smile, I take a glance toward [name] her eyes seem to trail off and shifted her body towards me as she let out a smile.

"i think I'll be fine with you"

I blush of her comment, what a bold words but...why she seem more relaxed-

"right same as you. you're more then welcome to call me by my nickname jojo" I chuckle and hold my elbow as I bend down

"i love the name, jojo it's fits for you perfectly and I'll be in your care today" gently grab my arm with a soft hum. As she began to walk as I soon follow.

she's worth then she presents.

"i want to take you my place if you don't mind really" I said and watch her expression.

She happily nodded in agreement. And there I take the lead.

"my! this a quite beautiful mansion" she gasp of the view, I chuckle in her response and gladly open the door for her.

" thank you"

I show her around the house but soon stop to a painting. A beautiful painting I love.

"she's beautiful. you have her looks jojo" she comments and look up.

"She's my mother...but she's often lonely before she met my father in the ball. They we're madly in love after one dance"

"..,really? I sometimes wish the same...Dio is a great brother but he's clingy is a trouble for me  but until you , jojo. I may be wrong but it seems you want to see me but I never find the courage to talk to you of many attempts you spoke...I'm sorry of my behavior I never have someone make effort to stay til I leave"

I was speechless of her honestly but with the emotions balling up, I felt a excitement and I touch a piece strain of hair.

"love can b express so differently" she spoke quietly and turn to meet my eyes

"...I do agree " I said and meet her deeply pool [color] eyes

Is the love [name] thinking is siblings or a partner?
The more I know her, the barriers is crumbling down of exchanging more words, and the day seem to darken of the hours we spent together.

But I can't seem to speak what my feelings for her...she looks so happy at the moment now...

"JoJo!" dio voice rang through the halls and follow a slam of doors as quick of footsteps came closer.

II clench my hands on my watch before sighing disappointment.

"[name] I came fast as I could. Come on now, we need to head home-" dio hand reach out and gently take her hand  but his eyes flicker towards me.

" help erina instead of me, let's go" he stomp away but [name] take a quick glance as her eyes look hesitated from going away.

From being apart...my thoughts began to continue of you...do you badly want me to assure you but in what way beside a smile?

I quickly grab her free hand that still lingers for me-

"till now,  I'm bewitch by you [name] and I hope I'll bring more happiness in your future needs"

I kiss her palm and crease her arm as dio tug her away through the doors with her lips form a smile.

"I just wish JoJo"

Those the words I heard before the doors slam shut.


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