bad child [child jotaro]

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Sweet, miscommunications, X father reader, and . Male reader!


If I'm a good boy. Will papa notice me and love me.

[name] pov:

Letting a long sigh, I watch Jotaro head bow down before passing by me with his tear drops fall down as he ran away.

"...damn it" I mumbled and followed him but he angrily look back at me with teeth showing of frustration.

"leave me alone!" he shout and slam the door close.

What a odd boy, what he expects when he gets trouble from school and gets suspended for three days!...I don't understand why he gets so angry when I talk to him every time...maybe he's going through puberty?

"jotaro...we can talk later" i spoke calmly and walk away but stop when I caught him peeking in his door.

"...where you going?" He ask and open his door wider.

"Your mother and check on your sister-"

"How come you never check on me like them but you always scolded on me! I hate-"

"I don't understand why you making a huge deal? Of my equal attention! What else you want? What else?!" I begged as I step closer and grow disbelief of his jealousy for his mother and sister.

"say you love me even your lying dad...I feel unwanted of your ongoing scolding, when I get in trouble you never ask what's wrong but you quickly judge a child am I thinking if I'm a good child will you ever talk to me or ignore me like before...or is it because I'm not your blood related child?"

I was quickly taken back, I felt my inside turning acid of his words that echos into my bones with my body froze in disbelief. I press my lips together and angrily clench my hand.

"I-...what are you saying?! Your in fact my offspring and I love you! As a father I'm trying! this is once a life time and what I say about your behavior! Jotaro you need to control your self more! You !-" I choke in my words when Jotaro face crumble down and holding his hands close to his face to refuse to cry with his body stiffen from my anger gaze. I felt my face relaxed.

".... but how I could be a good father when my child likes to holds everything inside..." my words quite down when his eyes peak through his fingers as to be begged for comfort and love. Then I gently grab his hands off his face but held him close to my stomach as I stare deeply in space behind him.

"...maybe I'm the one in fault here for not looking out for you more. I'm Sorry for not being there when you need me the most" I whisper out and gently crease his dark locks that still feel soft.

Jotaro didn't spoke at all but rather he calm down quickly,

I have been so blinded by the truth right front of me and I never thought he will call for help. He a tough kid after all.

I felt his fingers curl into my palms, then I close my eyes for a moment of a memorable picture I always stare at of Jotaro as a newborn and I felt the same squeeze inside of holding him first time.

He's a good kid.


"[name] why you constantly stare the picture of Jotaro as a baby ...when he's a teenager" holy ask and smile when [name] quickly tuck it away.

"he's just cute.." the h/c hair spoke and got up but holy let out a giggle but [name] gave a glare but his daughter stare up at him.

"...we obviously know who's the favorite child" she pout and turn away but [name] gave a quick kiss and run towards the door.

But Stop once he see jotaro walking towards him but [name] ruffle jotaro hair with affection before leaving a smile.

jotaro stare his father back

"...I wish he could let go that baby picture of mine"

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