triangle [Gyro vs. Diego] [pt2]

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X female reader, engaged, fluff, reader is older in 20's


[name] pov-

"Aw you're so cute together~" my sister squeal as she take a quick picture

We're having a nice picnic and the others (my friends) take out their cameras to record the beautiful scenery, I smiled softly as Diego still have his arm around me, my head lean against his chest while his legs is between me as he gently hold me close, and laughing with his friends with a wine glass.

"[name], come on let's go by the lake for a bit" Diego help me get up as we both walk together in hands. I remember there was babies ducks that is swimming on the water with their mothers .

"I've decided or you can decide as well my beloved-" he rub his hand on my hip before pressing a kiss on my neck and gently brush his teeth against my skin . As I giggle of his affection and blowing on my neck as I gave a kiss.

"I'm hearing you.."

"We should move away from this town and after all the place we'll be going will have many opportunities like jobs" He spoke and tug me closer.

"W-Wait really! Diego?!" I ask in surprise and grip on his hand.

"yes of course! anything for you" he said softly and kiss my forehead with desire of many more kisses.

"Oh, Diego i can't wait" I spoke and nuzzle into his arms

I gave a kiss on his cheek  but he quickly meet his lips against mine. Both of our lips melt as the kiss deepened to more aggressive with his fingers twisted my end of hairs and hold on myself closer towards him.

His tongue fight for dominated as well his run all over my body the feeling of bliss. I could remember the first time we kiss, so passionate and joyful of ourselves, I'm so helpless without him, Diego is the man I want but I felt there was more in my heart that diego want to fill it up with himself. His hand slowly stop on my stomach when his lips disconnected with my lips, our face flush up and breathing in a rapid paced .

"i want a baby with you " he said gently said and rub circles around my stomach with butterflies fluttering inside.

"I'm pregnant" i 'joked'

"?!" He was taken back from my bluntness and blush brightly as his eyes flicker down.

"I'm kidding Diego" I giggle but I was lying to myself.

"we can start trying" he heavily breathe out and stare down at me. lust and desired store between us as he quickly grab my hands towards the opposite direction from the picnic.


I hummed softly as I just finished looking through stacks of papers and I got a degree for as a nursing student. I sigh softly as I put the papers down and look down at a photo that's hidden behind with the other pictures. Of Gyro and me in the years being together before Diego.

"I need to let you go" I softly press the picture in folds and put away in a envelope.I grab my coat and make sure the doors is lock since today I'm the last one to leave the clinic. Then making sure my coat is tightly secure on my body .

As I turn around I noticed someone standing silently at the bottom of the steps as I hesitated to step closer with my ring finger fidgeting the diamond/etc rock. Soon my eyes met a familiar pair of eyes and form with his eyes softly stare into mine. I was taken back of this stranger and gasp.

"gyro..." I cried in swell in tears

gyro  came closer with his military uniform is fitted for him and taken off his peaked cap. He got more buffer and taller but also his long locks of hair is short to his neck/braid back/let down.. gyro face change to more structure and defined but he relaxes when he saw me stepping closer.

" [name] it has been awhile, you grown to be a fine women...beautiful as I remember I do want to apologize for many things in past...-" he spoke a soft tone but also wait for my response when he stop for me to think .

"I-.." I could only make out as he notice its getting hard for me to keep standing up with heels.

"why don't we sit for a moment before you decide to fall" he quickly lead me to a bench before he lays his coat on it before I sit.

"'s been so long has it.."

"Ha! Damn right" we both lightly chuckled but he pace around a little and carefully put his cap on. He seem to hesitated of his words but it blurred out.

"i still love you"

"...After all this time...gyro?"

My eyes couldn't meet with his anymore.

"forever and ever [name] I want to ask you, to be mine but this time let me fix what I have broken and a apology"

I couldn't believe it-

"gyro I'm already in engaged and happily with my life with diego. he's the one I love but for you-I did loved you. Why didn't you come for me?"

"Because diego beat me. there's no competition like you think it's more who you choose him over me of the day when you agreed to be his girl but I do blame myself for not stepping up for myself...but what you expect a poor country boy"

"Gyro! I never taken you as a poor country boy but as a wonderful cowboy that loves adventure and chaos. that you made yourself known around in town...don't you think?"

"...nyo-ho good old times!" Gyro laugh happily with his grill teeth is shown.

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