[my flower] DIO

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X shy reader, female reader, sweet moments!

[y/n]'s point of view:

My eyes fallows the f/c petals that land on the floor as my attention went towards a footsteps that stop behind me. A hand grab my should as laughter shakes me.

"It's just me, [y/n] " Jonathan smile and hold a book by his head and gently hold my arm as we walk forward.

"Oh! you just caught me surprised" I spoke back with a embarrassed blush but my eyes focusing the ground as he chuckle.

"You're so adorable! Just like a sister" he then grab a petal from my hair before letting go in the air. I let out a giggle.

Jojo is sure a gentleman and a wonderful brother but also a friend. But- I don't think his adoptive brother, Dio like me...well generally my presence is irritating for him to received a glare that scream 'go away'

I take it personal level of tears drains from my eyes after I look away—a crybaby and feeling helpless of speaking before turning bright red.

After that Dio just avoid me or ignored at the sight of me. I soon decided to stay away from him and stay close to Jonathan since he isn't aware. But a sudden driven feeling for Dio began to leave various flowers at my desk before leaving but also a simply 'take care'

"Let's stop by at my  house. I need to show you a surprise that you will love " I smile softly and nodded of agreement of JoJo suggestion.

We walk to his house but before when we walk in  we heard people cheering on for someone from the left side of the mansion field. Jonathan let out a sigh as I gave a curious look.

Dio was  boxing with someone and it's seem that he is winning because he rapidly punching him. People who are watching keep throwing money or shouting at them.

"Sorry I totally forgot about today. Dio having a boxing match and-boy! He's really good at fighting" He open the door for us to walk.

For a glimpse I thought I saw  Dio is looking at my way but he quickly punch the guy face and make him flying back with awe.

" [name] let's go"
Jonathan turn around as I was still watching.

dio turn his full body towards me, he's eyes fixed at my eyes before flicking his attention away and it seem he's muttering something.

I quickly snap away and hurry to Jonathan side.

"Right, this way" he open two doors of a green house.

I gasp in amaze, an indoor garden and some are included my favorite as it from the ceiling-hanging from the top-And some row but seem to be unfinished.

"It's wonderful" I gently touch the flowers.

"i see but dio pick out the plants to go with the theme here. He hope that you like it" He smile and roll up his sleeves.

"dio plan it..?" I ask with my head tilted to the side to tried to imagine him nursing the plants/flowers.

"yes! he did because he... how should I word this...but he want to know you more." He scratched his chin and smile back.

"But you don't mind helping me?" he ask and hand me a pair of gloves and a apron.

"of course! "

jonathan pov :

Dio really want to know [name] but instead he take the opposite approach, he avoided/ignore her so much that lead her thinking he hates her. He never stood a...romantic type of approachable and talkative to strangers but rather he blunt in some case that irritates him to the edge. A bit of...ignorant with a huge ego.

then just a sometimes ago [name] being my friend. he notice her and taken interest of her shyness and flower picking everyday at the meadows. When I tried to get him meet her but he refused. rather he want her to pick flowers here in green house, he made for her.

he made just for her, hoping she will come every day and so dio can tend the flowers after she leaves. it doesn't matter if they don't talk.

"Dio , where did you find these  flowers?" I ask and gently brush them with my fingers

"It was given" he snap back and gently put them into pots

"huh, it's bit strange because if I remember  [y/n] loves these kinds" I looked at his back but I can see his muscles tense but ignore my comment.

I walk closer to him and play a smirk.

"do you maybe fancy her?"

He shot up quickly and gave me a glare with his hand cross together

"what she got do with this or me?!" he shout to me

"can you trust me" I ask

"....i rather not talk about anything with you " his eyes shifted away but I caught his tip of ears turn red wit a smile tug corner of his lip.

"jonathan, I finished" I snapped out of it as I turn towards her with her hair slightly wet but smile.

"thank you but here" I gave her a towel to dried off.

"Jojo is dinner served yet?" Dio came in with fresh pair of clothes, holding a glass of water but his eyes turn to [name], she nervously fidget her gloves for a moment but he look away to his glass in hand.

"No but can I talk to you. excuse us"

he nodded and we walk out as [name] take off her gloves.

" this your chance! Talk to her" I grab his shoulder as he refused to make eye contact and slap away from my hand.

"Remember when a guy tried to ask her on a date but before she can reply you beat him up" I said

" fine then but if this goes awful I'm not hearing you anymore of your advice" he gave a breath out

Dio Pov:

I walk into the greenhouse, set the glass down and watch [y/n] drying her hands but my voice call out for her that seem to shock her.


" Did you enjoy your staying? "  I ask in assure voice that is calm but my ears are feeling hot of her attention is center to me. I can see her cheeks turn a bit dark but calmly reply.

"Y-Yes I did but i need to go now before it's late" she quickly said and walk pass me but in a instinct.

I caught her by her wrist , made our face to be inches away from our lips as her face seem in surprise of this matter but concerned herself to back away.

I smirk at her face as I brush her cheek in the most gentle way that my mother show affection.

"please don't leave yet "

her expression change of interest, but choose to back away with her body but I still hold onto her wrist. I'm so close to ask her but with embarrassment pf letting my over confidence die.

"I like you to come here and do whatever you wish but I'll be in  your company from now on. I never hate you" i said calmly and let her go.

"Oh..." she breathe out but slowly warm up a smile and beam up with her hands clasped together in excited , she radiate out.

I stumbled back of amusement, a tug of smirk follow as I lean towards her and blow her ear.

"I'll take that as a yes"


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