Chapter 6

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I walk home in a daze. I am in no hurry to get home and talk to people that aren't Micah. I just want to go back to Micah's house and kiss him some more, but alas, I have to report back to Abram and explain to him that Micah is of no threat to our pack, and maybe explain more about him knowing about our species already.

I just don't want to talk to him though. I don't want to talk to my mother either. I don't want to talk to anyone who is not Micah. Why can't I just report back to Abram and then go back to Micah's? That's right because even I know people need a break from me after a while. I am letting Micah sleep on it tonight about our make out time and let him think about it. I hope that kiss meant something to him like it did to me. I hope he is craving another kiss like I am.

Fuck, his lips were so soft and the longer we kissed the plumper they got. I am craving his lips so bad right now that I think I am already addicted and having withdrawals. And the scent of his arousal! A moan slips past my lips as my fingers touch them, remembering the feel of his lips on them. His arousal was so sweet, and it had me and my wolf growling like a true animal, wanting to eat him alive. I haven't told him yet that I can smell his arousal, I mean, we just met yesterday and had our first kiss, he would be totally embarrassed if he knew.

I reach the Pack House and groan, I don't want to communicate with other people. Which is why I try to sneak up the stairs to my apartment, but it is just my luck that Abram and Trigg are entering there's.

"Jonah, back so soon?" Abram asks with a smirk.

I glare at him and sigh before rubbing the back of my neck. "It was an interesting day and I'm letting him sleep on it,"

Abram raises a brow as Trigg snorts. "Did you make a move on him and he got mad?" He asks as he sniffs the air. "You sure smell like you made a move on him," He says with his nose wrinkled.

Trigg is Abram's mate, making him my Luna. I don't mind Trigg, he's a cool guy, but right now I am on edge thinking about Micah.

His eyes are actually a nice green that pierces into your soul practically, and if you look closely you can see little specks of blue. He also grew since I first met him, then, he was only five foot six, now, he's just shy of six foot, being just a few centimeters off, only he is sensitive about it since he can't quite make the six mark yet. His skin is always tanned and I think that's because of his Spanish background. He is quite handsome, especially since he has matured more, but he has nothing on Micah.

I roll my eyes at Trigg's previous comment. "You sure smell like you made a move on Abram," I counter, to which Trigg only smirks and winks at me. "Besides, I didn't make the first move, either time,"

"Either time? You jumped him more than once?" Trigg snickers.

"No," I grumble. "We were sort of arguing and then one thing led to another and we ended up having an angry first kiss," I say as I rub the back of my neck at the amazing memory.

"An angry first kiss? Jonah, you pissed him off already?" Abram asks with disbelieving eyes.

"He made me angry first," I growl out before muttering to myself. "Telling me he's not a man, ha, he's more man than any other man,"

"What are you mumbling about?" Trigg asks with raised brows.

I snap my head to him and pout. "Micah thinks he is less of a man because he has a prosthetic, but you know what, he saved people and he survived, so you know what, I think that makes him a bigger man than if he had two legs," I growl out the ending.

"Your mate has a prosthetic leg?" Trigg asks with wide eyes.

I glare at him then and point an accusing finger at him. "Don't you dare say a word about it, he is beautiful, and wonderful, and amazing, and he is the biggest man I have ever met,"

Abram snorts as Trigg rolls his eyes. "Yep, this is definitely his mate, amour, he is already showing the signs," Trigg says with a smirk. His accent always thickens when he speaks Spanish words, which he has been doing more frequently. (Love)

I scoff and shake my head. "Even if Micah was not my mate I would still think he was beautiful, and wonderful, and amazing, and the biggest man I have ever met,"

Trigg nods his head. "Sure you would, Jonah, sure you would,"

I let out a growl, to which Abram gives me a warning look as he pulls Trigg closer into his body. "Do you not believe me, Luna?" I spit out the name 'Luna'.

Trigg sighs and shakes his head. "No, Jonah, I believe you just fine,"

I growl again, my wolf pacing inside me as he too is angry now. "Whatever, Micah is just a retired Marine, so don't worry," I say and push open my front door. "Oh," I say as I stop, never looking behind me. "And he knows about us already," With that I push the door open the rest of the way and slam the door in their faces.

As I slam the door shut I see mom standing there with a big grin on her face. Creepy. She looks like she just ate a puppy.

Yeah, creepy.

"What?" I mutter, not in the mood to talk. Once again, she is not the person I want to talk to.

"That handsome man I met earlier was your mate?" She asks with a grin.

I sigh and nod my head. Of course she heard my conversation from the hallway. "Yes, Micah is my mate,"

"Oh, sweetheart, that's wonderful," She rushes over to pull me into a hug. "I knew your mate was going to show up soon,"

I raise a brow as I hug her back. "And how would you know that?" I question.

"I just had a feeling," She says as she tightens her hold on me. "I actually started packing about a week ago," My eyes widen and I pull her away to hold her shoulders at arm's length.

"What?" I ask shocked. "You started packing already? Mom you don't have to move out,"

"Honey, you will be starting your own life with your mate soon, and trust me, you do not want your mother living with you. You will be busy like Abram and Trigg," She gives me a knowing smile as she says the ending. My face heats up as I realize my mother is talking about me and Micah having sex.

"Ma," I whine as I drop my hands from her shoulders in embarrassment. "At least- ugh, why didn't you tell me about this feeling when you first got it?"

Mom shrugs her shoulders. "Baby, I wasn't positive and I didn't want to get your hopes up," She says as she rubs my arms.

I sigh and shake my head. "I'm going to bed," I mutter. I can't believe she kept such vital information from me, about my mate and her packing.

"Good night, Jonah," Mom says as she lets me walk past her. "Oh, do invite him over for dinner one of these nights, I would like to get to know my son-in-law," I smirk as I nod my head and continue on to my bedroom.

Inviting Micah over for dinner is a great idea.


Author's Blurb:

July 10, 2017

Probably my shortest chapter in history... it was going to be even shorter because I was going to stop it where Jonah calls Sabrina creepy, but then I decided it would be too short and not even worthy of being called a chapter. 

But guys, there was a town rummage sale the other day where everyone in my small town of like 200 some people have yard/garage sales. My sister and I set up a sale in our yard so I worked on writing because it was extremely slow, but it was too hot so I didn't get much done. But anyway, my point of sharing this is because I was in the shade under an umbrella and I still managed to freaking BURN my shoulders!! 

I am in so much fucking pain right now! I can't sleep on my back because I burnt my shoulders, I can't sleep on my sides because I burnt my shoulders, and I can't sleep on my stomach because it hurts my chest! I am getting practically no sleep and I can hardly move. That is the last time I ever step foot in the sun again. UGH. 

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