Chapter 22

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**Wow, I must have been super tired when writing this. I sort of edited this chapter, so glad I did too, there were so many typos and missing words. HAHA. If you see a typo or missing word let me know please. :) **

I park on the side of the deserted road and then shake Micah awake. We've been driving for a day and a half now, we should be in Florida by nightfall since we're already in Alabama.

Micah groans before he opens his eyes with an adorable pout. "Why?" He grumbles.

Goddess he is cute. "Human has to pee, you want to see now?"

He furrows his eyebrows. "Do I want to see him pee? Not really,"

I laugh and shake my head. "I meant my wolf, baby,"

He blinks slowly before my words seem to register to him and he sits up correctly instead of his slumped position. "Your wolf?"

I smile and nod my head. "Yeah, my wolf,"

"Yes," He says quickly before unbuckling himself.

I smile at my boy as I unbuckle my own seatbelt and exit the truck. Micah helps Human out of the truck and then lets him run off to do his business. Micah and I lean against the truck as we wait for the dog to come back.

"I want to keep Human in the truck, just in case he gets spooked by my wolf," I inform Micah.

"Doesn't he already know what you are?"

"Yes, but he could still get spooked if he sees me shift,"

"Okay, we'll keep him in the truck then," He agrees just as the dog bounds back to us.

After Micah straps Human back into the backseat we move behind the trees. We are close enough that we can still see the truck but hidden so if anyone were to drive by they wouldn't spot me. Let's just hope no one drives past, because I don't want to chance it, or even chance someone spotting Human in the truck and thinking he was abandoned. That would not be good.

I pull off my shirt and drop it onto the ground, then I undo my pants. Micah tilts his head to the side curiously as I toe my shoes and socks off.

"Why are you getting undressed?" He wonders.

"Because otherwise my clothes would get shredded," I inform as I push my pants and boxers both down together.

He licks his lips as he nods his head, his eyes dropping to the appendage hanging between my legs. I smirk as he licks his lips again. At least I know he likes my body.


"Yeah," He breathes out, I can tell he's not really listening.

"Okay, my wolf might try to rape you," I say this to try and get his attention, but it's also the truth because my wolf wants to take Micah his own way.

"Okay," He breathes out.

I snicker and shake my head. "Micah,"

"What?" He asks, his eyes glued to my dick that is quickly rising from his hot stare.

"I just said my wolf might rape you and you said okay, you do realize you just gave him permission, right?"

"What?" His eyes snap up to meet mine.

I snicker as I shake my head. "I'm not going to let him rape you, I just wanted your attention,"

His cheeks turn a bright scarlet. "Oh," He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"He does want to rape you though,"

"Well that's good to know," He mutters. "If you charge at me I'll know what you're probably up to,"

Jonah (ManXMan, Werewolf)(Book 5) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now