Chapter 20

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Micah and I sit at Abram's dining room table with him and Trigg, Human right at Micah's feet, and the game of Life set out in front of us. I decided we needed to spend more time together since we haven't been seeing much of each other lately with me finding Micah and Rigg running off. So, I told Abram we were having a game night whether he and Trigg wanted to or not.

Currently, Micah has the most money as well as the most kids. He has four kids, three boys and one girl, and has the highest paid job, as well as a side job of being a teacher. I only have two girls and I have college debt up the wazoo. Abram only has twenty thousand dollars and has one kid, while Trigg has the second most money and no kids.

I like to think that Micah and I will have this in life. Three boys and three girls. Preferably all of them but one boy coming from him. I joked about it even and Micah seemed pleased, while Abram kept smirking at me and kicking me from under the table.

I told Abram about Human raping Lady in the park, to which he laughed and congratulated the dog calling him a 'man at last'. Then I told him about Micah and Bowie and how Micah loved the kid. I also told Abram about how much I found out Micah loves children and how sad he was to leave Bowie.

It's been four weeks since Human and Lady's encounter and we found out that Lady is in fact pregnant now. Which Micah looked upset about but I know he is secretly happy because it gives him an excuse to visit Bowie.

After I told Abram about how fond Micah is of children, he proceeded to tell me to get him pregnant as a joke. Then he got serious and told me to talk to Micah about having children. Abram also agrees with me, he thinks Micah will make a great father once he saw Micah playing with one of the pups in the pack.

Mom, of course, has still been badgering me about having kids. I don't think she wants to badger Micah about it because she doesn't know how he will react, and I know she doesn't want to make him feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. I know she would be overjoyed if Micah and I started a family, which is also why I haven't talked to her about it yet.

Micah jumps in his seat and then pulls out his vibrating phone from his pocket. He looks at the caller ID with furrowed eyebrows before his eyes widen and he throws the phone at me. I catch the phone with quick reflexes as Micah breathes heavily.

"What in the world?" I question as I look at the phone, the number unknown to both me and the caller ID.

"How the hell did she get my number?" He questions with wide eyes as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Who?" I ask as Abram and Trigg look between us just as confused as me.

"Sawyer," He whispers.

Sawyer, why does that sound so familiar? Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer. "Wait, Sawyer your sister?"

"Yes, what other Sawyer do you know?" He snaps. I know he didn't mean to snap at me so I don't feel bad about it.

"Maybe she called the Marines and got your number,"

He shakes his head as the phone stops vibrating in my hand. Then it starts vibrating as the call comes through again.

"No, I told them not to give my number to them, I specifically told them not to,"

"Well why don't you ask her then?" I say as I offer the phone back to him.

He shakes his head. "I don't want to talk to her,"

"Fine, I'll answer it,"

"Fine, you do that,"

I shrug my shoulders and slide the screen to answer the call. "Hello? Micah Stokes phone,"

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