Chapter 2 - Desire

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Who was that talking?

Keith? Lance? Hunk?

Despite having his armor stripped from his body the prisoner felt as though the Earth itself was weighing him down.

A dull ache nailed at the back of his head became an agonizing nuisance with his attempts of even the slightest of movements.

His throat was cruelly starved of any sustenance that even his scream was as pathetic as the current state he was in.

'S-sh-iro. Shiro'

His eyes flew wide open, the realization of his name causing a bubble of anxiety to drum against his chest.

He could vaguely remember what had happened, the screaming lights, the aggressive firing coming from both sides as the very stars shook from the impact of the fiery explosions which followed.

'D-Did we win?'

His memories were a haze, a jumbled mess as they had been a lifetime ago during which he had been held captive and used for barbaric entertainment as a champion gladiator.

Shiro had never been more thankful for the dark.

Alone and in the dark, no one was there to rely on him.

In the dark, no one could see him cry.


Lotor had been seated, unmoving as he diverted his attention to the holographic images testing his endurance while they continued to play in loop, the intense light burning his retinas.

Despite his complete despise for the half blood Galran sorceress she had provided a service by extracting the imprisoned paladin's memories.

'And the Alteans thought they were technologically evolved. Ha!'

Lotor's attention once again returned to the map of memories splayed out before him, feigning little interest in the remaining paladins.

The green one was for far too small and far less knowledgeable than she proudly claimed to be. Upon further inspection, she bore a striking resemblance to the other two men that had been captured along with the champion.

The yellow paladin came next. A giant by nature – far more physically appealing than the green one. However, his heart, overflowing with love and care, sickened the prince to no end.

He would be too easily manipulated.

A spark of interest flitted over Lotor's face as the red paladin fell into his sight. Instantly, her recognized the Galra within him, heightening his already keen sense and honed battle skills. Something about the red paladin reminded Lotor of a past long forgotten and a brotherhood long lost.

However, like all else that was a lifetime ago, it held no significance in shaping the future he intended on creating.

A flash of blue caught his attention as the images of the blue paladin teased the Galran prince into a trance.

'He had long legs.'

Was the first coherent thought Lotor formed while watching the blue lion's pilot stretch his legs into the air as he threw a childish tantrum.

He couldn't help but wonder how they'd look in a whore's dress skirt.

A playful smirk tugged on Lotor's lips as he leaned back against his seat, completely enraptured by Shiro's memories of the blue paladin - the long white tendrils of his hair settling over his shoulders as he watched.

From what he gathered, the blue paladin was stupid, reckless, arrogant, selfless, afraid and oh so beautiful.

There really was no such thing as love at first sight. Lust however, was an entirely different feeling and yet held no meaning in comparison to the selfish craving Lotor nurtured for the young man.

He had never seen a human with such darkened skin clinging to a wonderfully lean structure which seemed to curve into the most desirable of places.


That was his name.

However, in each instance his name was spoken, it was always in a tone of anger, panic or irritation.

It made the prince wonder what it would sound like if it was spoken with affection.


His name alone sparked a flare within Lotor's chest, his desire growing immense with the way his name rolled off the tongue.

It tasted exotic.

In a single moment, the blue paladin became his obsession. 

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