Chapter 4 - Beacon

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The lights of the castle ship had dimmed, automatically switching into night mode allowing the paladins their much needed 8 – 10 hours of sleep.

'Ridiculous' the Altean princess thought and even insisted that five minutes spent in the healing pods would compensate for the 8 -10 hours' worth of physical renewal and maturation their sleep deprived bodies so desperately craved.

Hunk was easily bought and intended to head for the healing pods if Keith had not stepped up, thanked the princes before speaking otherwise.

Three days with no success. Eight to ten hours of blissful nothingness felt like an appropriate change of pace.

Coran had offered to take her place. The notion of 'sleep' intriguing him to the point where he even suggested that Allura give it a go.

She had instead dismissed her advisor's offer and took charge of the entire operation, pulling up possible co-ordinates the castle ship's database processed.

A steely silence settled comfortably in the control room with the very occasional heavy sigh or clearing throat.

"I think I've found something princess!" Came Coran's voice with a hint of urgency as he magnified in on a set of specific coordinates.

Allura's eyes widened in disbelief, the very breath stolen from her throat.

There, in all its terrifyingly magnificent glory, was a seemingly abandoned Galran war ship.

Hauntingly eerie, it floated aimlessly giving no indication of any present threat.

And there in the heart of the mechanical beast, a beat a small red beacon.


"..We can't expect to rush in without a plan but we also can't just ignore the situation. However, with just four lions we are at a disadvantage."

Allura had gathered the remaining four paladins in the control room, choosing to be rather abrupt about their current situation.

There was no sugar coating such a dire and desperate situation.

"With every second we waste here, the less chance we have to save him. We can't lose this chance" Keith interrupted, voicing the thoughts of the other three, a fiery determination blazing in his eyes.

"And what could would it do if this indeed was a trap? We can't afford any more losses" Allura insisted with a sharp tongue as the others watched on, not an uncommon scene between the Altean royal and Galran hybrid.

Natural born and bred enemies they were bound to fall into arguments.

"Uh hate to interrupt you two" Hunk spoke up, wedging himself between the arguing pair acting the part of the friendly barrier "but- back to the beeping red thing?"

Lance had remained suspiciously quiet throughout the whole discussion. No one noticed when the blue paladin slipped away without receiving orders, acting completely on impulse as he headed towards the hangers.

The bickering only continued despite the efforts of the others, the purpose of their meeting long forgotten.

That is until Pidge spoke up.

"Guys? Guys! Look!"

Sucessfully capturing their attention she then directed them towards the other side of the long transparent glass panel where the blue lion and its pilot were stationed.

"You guys coming or what?" 

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