Chapter 11 - The heat of battle

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I had serious writer's block v.v Originally this was supposed to be the last chapter but it got too long so I've decided to split it into two parts XD So without further ado here's the second last installment of this fanfic! If you guys would like to see more voltron shipping moments why not check out my new book 'Multifandom one shots' I also take requests ^~^ 

Coming from a large family Lance had felt and embraced the blissful emptiness of a bedroom he could call his own. However, it was that same emptiness that had woken him from his sex induced sleep, bare and aching as he attempted to sit up. It had taken a godly effort on Lotor's part to detangle himself from his mate's wiry limbs, his primal clinginess begging otherwise as he prepared for the hour's ahead.

News of Haggar's unauthorized experiments had reached his ears with the promise of public execution to his guards and Lotor meant to confront her.

A heated warmth flooded the younger male's tanned skin as a comfortable silence settled over the pair, images of last night spilling into his thoughts. "W-WHERE- where are you going!?" Lance spoke with unnecessary loudness as though the volume of his voice would scare away those sinful images.

Without turning to face him, Lotor's focus fell onto the buttoning of his shirt.

"That is none of your concern."

Despite the bitterness Lance nurtured against this Galra for his captivity he couldn't help the flash of hurt that pricked his chest. Like a neglected kitten starved of attention Lance crawled over the tangled sheets, his slim figure resembling that of a leopard as he threw his arms around the broad expanse of Lotor's shoulders, his chest pressing against the firm expanse of his back.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lance breathed against his lover's neck, tracing the affectionate bruising littered across his skin, a pleased smirk crossing his face as a low purr rumbled within the confines of Lotor's chest.

Lotor's hand met Lance's at his shoulder, gently entwining their fingers – a small show of affection that made Lance's heart flutter and the lightest of blushes spread across the bridge of his nose.

"Not now precious" Lotor purred, his need for affection overpowering his far more polished and practiced persona he used to command control and exert power.

Lance's eyes widened in disbelief, an uncharacteristic squeal escaping his lips as Lotor tackled his form into the mattress holding his wrists into the tangled sheets.

"Don't tempt me" a suggestive threat and as Lotor set his wrists free, Lance once again felt emptiness rear its ugly head – leaving an ache in his heart and frustrating need for affection.

"You are free to wander the ship however my guards have been ordered to keep an eye on you" Lotor informed as he turned to face the younger male, holding his chin between his index finger and thumb to tilt his head forward "I would become extremely jealous if my guards were forced to punish you, do not provoke them" a breathy warning against Lance's lips sent shivers down his spine.

Lotor pulled back, turning away – the soft mechanical hiss of the door closing behind him leaving the young paladin drowning in a sea of his own loneliness.

In his absence Lotor had left a small band of alien women at Lance's service – who despite the vulgar and provocative nature of their work, giggled and whispered in secrecy to one another as they tended to the lover of their prince.

"I think- I think I need some air" Lance mumbled pushing away any wandering hands as he got up and headed out.

The atmosphere seemed cleaner as Lance stepped out into the hallway, his skin chilling and paling with the sudden chill. It was empty, except for the occasional patrolling guards. The eerie emptiness was practically begging him to escape.

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