Chapter 6 - Fiery Pleasure

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"Dejare solir bastardo! Yo no soy una de tus putas!" (Let me go you bastard! I'm not one of your whores!)

When Lance had recovered from the initial shock of capture he'd been cursing the Galra with a dedication and fiery tongue that would make any born and bred Cuban mother proud.

Not the most logical move, but hell – it made things feel a lot less miserable.

His wrists had been shackled in iron, old fashioned but effective while his ankles remained free allowing him to walk the path of his captor as he was dragged along by a lengthy chain attached to the collar sealed around his neck.

At least now with his view of the Galra's back, Lance could personally attest to the fact that the Galra did not possess any form of a tail.

'W-Wait- what the fuck?'

Tilting his gaze elsewhere, a light pink dusting the caramel coloured skin of his cheeks as he studied his current surroundings. He couldn't help but notice the air of entitlement clinging to the small Galra's frame as he paraded the blue paladin past a few patrolling guards.

"A donde – A donde me llevas-" (Where- Where are you taking me?)

A soldier, clad in grey iron promptly halted their movements, bowing his head with accordance to routine as he relayed a message with breathless urgency.

"Prince Lotor! Haggar has requested your presence immediately."

'W-wait- A prince!? This small brat was a prince!?"

Lotor's eyes flickered briefly to the blue paladin as he tightened his hold on the chain feeling the younger male's restlessness with the discovery of his identity.

With a sigh, he turned to the soldier and in one swift movement delivered a harsh blow sending the messenger to the floor, the skin of his cheek bruising a darker purple.

"Leave us be."

With a sharp tug, forcefully yanking the young man forward, Lotor led him on without so much as an explanation before eventually he was thrown forward into a room, the soft click of the door which followed indicating that he was at the complete mercy of the Galran prince.

With a soft growl, the blue paladin turned to his captor determined to at least have his questions acknowledged, his fiery Cuban temper getting the best of him.

"Oi! What do you-"

Without acknowledging the blue paladin, the young prince had secured the end of the chain to a lavish post fit for a royal, his kinks ad the whores willing to participate in them.

"Silence my darling" came Lotor's voice mocking the same local accent Lance naturally possessed.

"You're here, accept that" with a smirky smile he took the young man's chin between his index finger and thumb choosing to ignore the cringe which visibly passed over his face.

Leaning forward Lotor pressed his lips to Lance's ear, relishing in the delicious shiver which had taken hold of his slender frame.

"And I don't intend on letting you go."

Lance didn't know what pissed him off more. The prominent warm flush tainting his cheeks or the way Lotor's bold statement dripped with a toxic confidence.

Yanking his chin from Lotor's grip, Lance pressed his bound hands against the Galra's chest as an act of defiance completely ignoring the obvious pounding within his own.

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