Chapter 3 - Candle

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This hurt ;;-;; Klance is bae XDD

Time itself was merely an abstract concept to the incredible existence of space that even the alien's complex and unrecognizable system of measuring time had no real use.

A few days had passed in which the hours were filled with celebratory feats and the gratitude of millions for their sacrifice.

During which time Keith had not left Lance's side. He felt as though he at least owed the fallen black paladin to assume partial responsibility of leader.

Earlier Lance would have more than accepted and repaid Keith's attention however, as each hour passed his desire to be left alone haunted his thoughts and dominated all emotion.

Keith watched on as Allura furiously typed at the control pads of the castle ship's master system, her forehead creased in concentration.

"Shiro may yet be alive" the Altean princess pointed out once they had safely returned to the castle ship. "Each of your amour's helmets contain a miniscule tracking device for emergency purposes. If I can enter shiro's identification number the system may be able to pinpoint his exact location."

That was three days ago.

"He's been in the bathroom awful long" Coran pointed out, directing his statement towards keith in a not so subtle way much to the red paladin's relief "Keith! Why don't you go check on hi-"

Keith didn't wait for the end of his speech before taking off in the same direction Lance had headed.

Passing by the blue paladin's door, he paused briefly in his steps - a strong scent slithering out between the invisible spaces of the door's edges.


Without hesitation and consideration for Lance's basic privacy, Keith placed his hand against the door's sensor making it slide open with a soft mechanical hiss.

The room was dark, except for the soft glowing light emitting from a single burning candle illuminating the small space around the blue paladin.

Lance seemed to appear so small and vulnerable - an almost impossible feat as he stood almost 6 feet off the ground - as he knelt facing his bed, surrounded by the sweet aroma of the foreign candle.

"We didn't- we never go too grieve-"

Without a word, the red paladin gently kicked off his shoes before joining Lance at his side, his eyes drawn to his own lap as he mimicked the stance of his taller friend.

Silence dampened the surrounding atmosphere, stacked heavily against both boy's shoulders before Lance spoke, a sense of uneasiness tainting his words.

"I um- didn't know what the traditional Japanese mourning process was" he chuckled halfheartedly rubbing an eye.

If Lance hadn't felt stupid before, he sure did right there and then.

"This isn't traditional, is it?" he whispered, tears threatening to spill.

Glancing towards Lance, the soft light danced across Keith's naturally pale skin highlighting the innocent pink painted against his cheeks and neck.

"This is as traditional as it gets" he whispered softly leaning forward just barley pressing some of his weight onto his flattened palms.

Maybe it was confusion, or just the emotional turmoil and vulnerability he'd felt these past few days, but whatever the reason Lance found himself leaned forward, meeting Keith's lips halfway.

Neither moved, remaining lip locked in a meaningful yet comfortable state before Lance's tears broke free.

The tears spilled were not for shiro but for the candle's flame as they dimmed to a barely visible flicker.

Just as his feelings for Keith did the same.

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