Chapter 9 - Lust

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His eyes remained to the mattress, his shoulders sagged dangerously with his growing acceptance of defeat even as the Galran prince entered the room signaling for his girl's immediate dispersal.

Lance had remained bare, just as Lotor had left him earlier, however in the Galra's absence and with accordance to his desires the young Cuban man had been dressed appropriately.

A servant's low waisted skirt had been tied around his slim waist, the purple and white dyed fabric contrasting wonderfully against the darkened skin of his thighs. The gold trimming along its waistline marked him as the prince's highly favored, warning others of Lotor's claim.

As Lance spared the prince a glance, Lotor smirked admiring the added touch of the black ink outlining the smooth curves of his eyes.

Lance flinched as he averted his gaze aware of the blatant lust holding Lotor's gaze upon him unable to prevent the heat of embarrassment flood his cheeks with color.

"W-what happened? To your hands?" Lance asked quietly, taking notice of the tape Lotor had used to wrap each individual finger in.

The blue paladin tensed almost instantly as Lotor climbed onto the bed before him, a smug smile falling over his lips as he grazed his fingertips over the skin beneath Lance's left eye before trailing them downward to his slightly parted lips, not once breaking eye contact.

"Take them off" Lotor murmured and upon noticing his hands moving towards his fingers he added "no hands."

Lance shivered, visibly SHIVERED as he obliged taking the end of the tape between his teeth, expertly wounding its tight hold from around each five digits of that particular hand.

He didn't know which hit him first, the nauseating familiar stench or the sight of dried blood staining the length of his slender fingers.

Lotor's grin became downright malicious as Lance visibly paled and as if it wasn't enough, the galran prince brought his index finger to his own lips in a teasing fashion.

"Don't look so worried, precious" he purred, his eyes half lidded enjoying the sight of his prey cornered like any predator would "I would never dream of touching your beautiful skin with something so- unsightly."

His chest constricted against the rapid beating of his heart, choking the blue paladin with invisible hands even as Lotor pried himself away from the alluring presence of his human mate.

The bulky stretch of the galra's muscled back shielded Lance's view from his face, however the small twinge of disappointment Lance had felt soon disappeared once Lotor worked the armor he'd been forced to wear in the arena off leaving little to the blue paladin's imagination.

"Bathe with me."

His command had been clear, not once pausing in the removal of his clothes as though they were a nuisance.

"That was an order" the Galran prince turned away, heading into the adjoining washroom, awaiting Lance's expected arrival.

Struck dumb by the initial shock, Lance obliged his captor's wishes, standing on unused legs like a newborn calf before steadying himself enough to follow Lotor into the adjoining room.

There, as its centerpiece was a large marble bath filled with the clearest water Lance had ever laid eyes on, steam rising from its welcoming heat.

Lotor smirked knowingly, having already immersed himself in the water.

'Humans really were materialistic beings.'

Without a moment's hesitation, Lance's fingers danced over the waistband of his dress skirt, tugging and pulling until the stubborn fabric fell loose around his ankles before he too participated in the water's irresistible temptations.

He was well aware of the Galra's eyes upon him but he found that he didn't care even as he allowed himself to sink farther into the water's depth. After all he was well acquainted with his naturally good looks and curvy structure, giving him the confidence every girl envied.

Closing his eyes to the blissful silence, Lance enjoyed this brief stillness, wishing to relish in the water's familiar embrace for as long as possible however Lotor had made other plans and he made sure Lance was well informed of this as the water rippled with his coming closer.

"Tsk- still trying to leave?"

Lotor's breath fanned over his exposed neck causing a foreign heat to flood the expanse of his body, leaving the young male both frustrated and unsatisfied.

"Aren't cats meant to drown in water?" he retorted hotly, managing to wrench his arm free form the Galra's unsettling grip.

Lotor smirked as he pressed his lips to the other's neck, tasting his pulse on his tongue as he chuckled softly at the insult thrown at him.

"And where will you go?" Lotor continued, expertly caressing the skin of his chest and hips while his lips worked the skin of his neck and shoulders.

Above the waist and below the lips until Lance thought he might be driven into insanity with dissatisfaction.

"The Alteans and the hybrid? To those who limited your worth as a paladin?" Lance remained still even as the other's fingertips traced the fading marks littered across his thighs.

"Those who rejected your feelings, those who dismissed you simply as reckless and loud mouthed?" Lotor's smirk only grew as he took the lobe of one ear between his teeth, carefully tugging at the soft flesh before releasing it to murmur his name seductively even as his hands traced the prominent curves of his hips.

"Once I stake my claim, mark you as mine" skimming his canines over a particular spot against the younger man's neck, his eyes shimmering with pure greed as Lance reacted instinctively, tilting his neck back just barely so that the sharpness Lotor put out dug insistently against his skin.

"I will never allow you to return to that loneliness."

As if acting on impulse, Lance allowed Lotor to tilt his head towards him, unable to respond even when the Galran prince leaned forward, sealing their lips together with a kiss.


I may not have the strength shiro does.

His knees hit the back of the bed as Lotor's naked form approached, eyes flashing with desire even as Lance fell back against the mattress completely enraptured by the Galra before him.

Or am as technologically gifted as Pidge.

The galra's eyes drank their fill of the man lying beneath him before bringing their lips together once more, teasing his lips apart with his tongue, relishing in his taste even as the blue paladin wrapped his arms around his neck, silently urging his body closer.

I may not have enough love to give around like Hunk.

A soft heat rose from the growing blush spreading across the expanse of his chest as Lotor worked possessive bruising into his skin, following a deliberately slow trail downwards satisfying his growing desire with the soft cries and moans Lance worked so hard to muffle.

O-or be as dependable as Keith, but-

The tears lining the corners of his eyes shone brilliantly, reflecting the color of his eyes even as he squeezed them shut. A sharp gasp, soft enough for Lotor's ears only but clear enough to convey the sudden pain he'd been forced to endure so suddenly, bringing him from his ecstatic haze.

And even as Lotor leaned forward to kiss away those shed tears, Lance couldn't help but think;

-but, I am worth of a paladin.

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