Chapter 10 - Haggar

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Sorry for the erratic updates!! But this fanfic is almost over c: SEASON 3 THO AM I RIGHT!!?

The insistent drumming of his fingers grew louder to his own ears, drowning out the background noise of nearby patrolling guards.

Throwing himself against a wall, Shiro held his breath, wordlessly counting the seconds with each nervous tap of his finger until the small band of galran soldiers passed from within hearing range.

Moving with caution and experience, Shiro worked his way through seemingly endless tunnels illuminated by a soft purple hue only serving to further unsettle his nerves.

An unexpected patrol blocking his intended path forced his turning back.

There had to be another way-


Falling to the ground in a crumpled heap, shiro heard the approach of the stationed patrol as he fought a losing battle to remain conscious.

"I have eyes everywhere, gladiator" came Haggar's voice from somewhere behind him as the alerted soldiers formed a ring around him, the heat of their blasters paling in comparison to the purple sparks dancing across his skin.

"Bring him!" The witch commanded.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, an assimilation of unrecognizable shapes and blurred colours fell into the pinhole that was his line of vision as he was dragged through a maze of alien steel.

The crushing weight of his own paralysed limbs – ignoring the artificial one – felt almost unreal, as though his own body didn't belong to him.

The room was dark, the off coloured lights fading into nothingness as it took four Galran soldiers to strap the captive paladin to a solid slab of steel.

A soft yellow light shone through said darkness making the black paladin question whether this was the same light that beckoned the dead and dying to an eternal peace.

However, this illusion was short lived as that light grew dull with each passing moment that he regained awareness.

"What's going on-?"

His skin chilled with the cold with the cold metal prodding against his naked vulnerability as he struggled under the prying gaze of his enemies.

"Someone..Someone answer me!"

"Vrepit Sa"

First it was one, then five, then one again as the multitude of voices chanted in unison, pledging their alliance to a dying idea and defeated enemy.

An invasive sharpness pierced the stretch of scarred skin pulled along the length of his legs, arms and chest causing the paladin a minor discomfort in comparison to what he'd faced in the arena.

The same sickening yellow flowed through the emptiness of the capillary-like tubes, following a path to the unknown source.

With each passing second the pain only grew, so much that even activating his only line of defense was becoming increasingly difficult.

"Struggle champion. It will only make things satisfying."

The black paladin's screams seemed to echo out into the hallways, heard by all except by the prince and his prize – entangled by the limbs and shielded from the musk of rigorous intimacy as they held each other underneath the sheets in blissful ignorance. 

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