Chapter 12 - Selfish

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Uggggghhhhhh 2000 words of hopefully some decent fluff and angst to satisfy your lancelot needs *^* Yes this is the final chapter, and it broke my heart ending it the way it did but 'm glad I could finally get this out for you to read and enjoy ^~^ As always let me know what you think of the ships/story/epilogue or whatever's on your mind in the comment's section! Thanks for reading and voting, I honestly never expected this fanfic to take off as it did XDD Enjoy! c:

The lights blared red and angry – the intruder's presence made well known as a squad of guards followed the alarm to the source even as Keith pulled himself and the princess out from the black lion, armed and enraged.

This was no time for subtlety.

As the guards entered the hanger they hesitated in their firing with the absurd scene presented before them.

An Altean with purple skin and an unconscious guard in her arms, clearly trying to pry his armour off while visibly arguing with a ridiculously small Galran hybrid with an outdated mullet.

Both stopped mid argument, turning to face their galran enemies, a comical silence falling between the two rivals.

"See? I told you we don't have time" Keith growled, baring his canines in an act of feral dominance and activating the ceremonial blade of Marmora into its larger and menacing form as Allura stole the unconscious guard's blaster and laid down some cover fire.


Lotor's gaze was almost desperate, softening the normally sharp curves of his eyes as he ran past his generals, a poisonous snarl hanging from his fangs, ignoring the requests for his command.

Lotor's stubbornness was solely occupied with reaching his human mate and with an inhuman grip on his blade he resolved to cut down those who stood in his way, be it friend or foe.

His rapid footsteps slowed in their pace, sword swinging dangerously by his side so the sharpened end cut into the floor, the blade itself quivering with the potential for a fight.

Lotor's gaze was firm as though holding the armoured Altean in her place before him. It was almost comical really, the image of such an abnormally small Galran standing his ground against a battle wise altean standing noticeably taller then he was.

He may have been half Altean but aside his elven features he'd failed to inherit their colour changing, size shifting abilities.

"Stand down princess" Lotor commanded with the tone of an alpha "I don't have time for such games."

"Then make time" Allura countered, remaining attentive to the slight shuffle of his feet and quick dart of his eyes "your kind has stolen the life of my people, the freedom of peaceful colonies and have manipulated those closest to you" with that exclamation the Altean princess armed herself with a stolen blade of Galra make, her expression hardening "I will not allow you to take from my family once more."

At this Lotor grinned, mirroring her movements with his own blade "you condemn me of my father's actions when at the time I was just a mere child" with a clever twirl of his fingers, his sword now pointed directly at the princess's heart where he aimed to strike "or have you forgotten that I too once called Altea home?"

With unnatural swiftness blade met blade, burning sparks flew from where steel collided, igniting the surrounding atmosphere as the last child and the forgotten bastard of Altea engaged in battle.


Keith ran past halls of purple, the leisure of guilt for abandoning Allura unknown to him as he focused solely on finding Lance.

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