Funny Joke #49

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There was this man, and he bought a horse, and he jumped on it and said, "GIDDYAP!" But the horse wouldn't move. So he said, "How do you make this horse go?" 

And the man selling the horse said, "You say, 'Thank goodness' ." 

"And how do you get it to stop?" asked the man.

And the man selling the horse said, "You say, 'belly button' ."

So off went the man on the horse.

But the horse started going faster and faster, and the man started getting scared because he knew where the horse was taking him - right up to the edge of a huge cliff!"

"Oh no," he thought, "I've got to get the horse to stop. What am I supposed to say? Ooooohhh, what is it?" 

And the horse was getting closer and closer and closer...

"What's the word? Oh no... "

And the horse was right up at the edge of the cliff...

and he remembered.

He shouted, "BELLY BUTTON!" And the horse stopped.

"Phew," said the man, "Thank goodness." And the horse went whooosh, right over the edge. 


Dear Readers,

do you think I should carry on writing more jokes after i reach 50 or should I stop?

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. I still have more jokes coming up!

Thank you

Adeline :3

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