Chapter 14: Birthday surprise

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It is suppose to be the most wonderful day of my life. I always spent my birthday with Skylar and Stela. But today was the first time I didn't spent it with them. It was different. Skylar was busy with her art project and Stela was taking part in swimming competition.

I spent the day with Aaron. I thought it would be the most irritated and boring day but instead it was nice.

At noon we were at his place. He proposes to watch a movie and I agreed.

At first we fought about what movie to be played first. After 20 minutes of fighting, we decided to play each favourite movie after the other.

He tossed a coin to choose whose film to be played first. I chose the Jurassic World while he chose The Conjuring. I usually don't watched horror movies. I hate it. But since he was annoying me , I got irritated and accepted to watch it.

"What do you chose? Head or tail?" Asked Aaron.
"Head!" I replied.

He tossed the coin and it landed in the ground in between us. It was a tail. Aaron smirked and I rolled my eyes.

He put the movie and sat beside me on the couch. Their was pop corns, snacks and drinks on the middle table. Aaron bought a blanket and opened it on both of us. It was a bit cold as of the weather outside. It had been raining continuously since the morning.

The film started and we put the pop corn in between us. We ate it while watching the film. The background sound was more scarier than the film. I jumped a few times as of the sudden apparition of the ghost and Aaron was laughing . I slightly hit his forearm but this only makes him more laughing.

"That's not funny!" I said crossing my arms in my chest. He calmed down and focussed on the film.

After the end of his picked movie, he put mine. I was a bit tired and feeling sleepy. Even the rainy weather make it difficult to not to sleep. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it a bit up on my both shoulder and leaned in. My eyes was becoming heavy and I closed my eyes.

I woke up and found myself on Aaron. One of his arm wrapped around my waist and the other on my arm. His head was tilt on my head. His chest was my pillow and the blanket was pulled till our waist. In other words Aaron was cuddling me.

I removed his arm slowly but he woke up. He smiled at me. I pulled away from him and sat down and so he did. I took my phone and saw it was already 7 o'clock. My eyes widened. Aaron was looking at his phone and said:" Wow! We have been sleeping since 5 hours!"
I smiled and nodded.

Aaron stood up and make his way near his bed's drawer. I watched him as he opened it and took out a shopping bag. He closed the door and made his way toward me.

"We are going out for dinner! Go and change up!" He said giving me the bag.

I grabbed it and stood up. I nodded and make my way to his mom's bathroom. I took a quick shower and wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom. I closed the room door and locked it.
I grabbed the shopping bag and took out the red dress. It was to my thigh level. I dressed up in it and went in front of the mirror. The dress fitted well.

 The dress fitted well

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