Chapter 9

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"That went well." Daryl commented as he pressed a wet wash cloth to his bloody lip. Beth eyed him warily as she rubbed her stomach.

"If you think Maggie punching the shot out of you was well I'd hate to see what your idea of bad is." Bob laughed as he flopped down on the couch next to him.

"Girl packs a punch that's for sure." Daryl said as Sasha walked into the room.

"Your lucky all you got was a busted lip. If it was me we'd be digging you a grave right now." Sash snapped and Bob gave her a look as she sat down next to Beth on the other couch. Beth was wringing her hands together her eyes never leaving Daryl. Maggie could be heard in the next room, cussing Daryl a new one as Glenn tried to calm her down.

"You okay kid?" Daryl asked his eyes meeting hers. Beth scoffed.

"I ain't a kid." He smiled causing the slit in his lip to stretch and blood to dribble down his chin. "Maggie shouldn't have hit you." She said softly and he shrugged as he leaned back into the couch, spreading his legs out so he was comfortable.

"Aint like I didn't deserve it." He said as he closed his eyes. Beth's eyes narrowed as she too leaned back her arms crossing over her chest.

"You are an ass Mr. Dixon." He laughed causing her to scowl deeper.

"Yeah yeah, can't argue with ya. Just remember if you think I'm a ass wait till the baby's born. He's a Dixon too."

"She. the baby's a girl." Beth snapped as Glenn walked into the room running his fingers through his hair.

"She is passed." He commented as he eyed Daryl warily. "Why did you have to break it all to her at once? I mean come on Daryl. Beth? She like 17."

"19. And it ain't none of your business." Daryl snapped before Beth could open her mouth. Glenn sighed.

"Same difference she's still to damned young to be with some one like you Daryl." Daryl lurched to his feet before anyone could blink.

"And what the Hell does that mean?" Glenn huffed.

"Daryl I been with you since almost the beginning of this, I know you. I know how you are. And knocking Beth up ain't going to change you. you risk your life all the time when you don't have too. Are you gonna be safer now that you have Beth?"

"Of course." Daryl growled his hands balling into fist. Glenn shook his head.

"I don't think you will. You're smart Daryl, you made for this world but Beth's going to get you killed." Beth's shoulders hunched as tears filled her eyes. He was right. She jerked to her feet her arms wrapped around her stomach as all eyes turned to her.

"He's right. I'm so sorry. I..." More tears threatened to spill from her eyes so she turned and field the room.

"Beth! Open this door right fucking now." Daryl yelled as he pounded on the door.

"Go away!" She screamed, something registered in her head that this was all to familiar. He pounded on the door again causing it to shake.

"Ill kick this door down so help me god Beth." He raged.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" She snapped as she swung the door open just as he was about to hit it again. He dropped his balled fist and pushed past her into the room.

"Shut the door I'd prefer this to be private." Beth gritted her teeth as she slammed the door shut and turned. She didn't have time to react as Daryl shoved her against the door his hands caging her in.

"Dont you ever lock me out again." He said, his voice low and husky. Dangerous. "Now you're gonna listen to what I have to say. I dont give two shits about what any one in this house thinks about me and you got that?" He asked as her wide eyes meet his. She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off giving her a quick hard kiss.

"You are mine Beth Green and ill do anything to keep and protect what's mine." He kissed her again and this time she was prepared for it. She wrapped her arms around his neck pushing herself against him as his hands dropped to her waist. He pulled back from the kiss and buried his face into her neck as he held her tighter.

"I don't want to lose you." She whispered and he sighed trailing a hand up and down her back.

"You won't. Glenns wrong, you and the baby are more reason for me to survive ya ain't gonna get me killed."

"Promise." She whispered as she ran her fingers through his shaggy hair.

"Yeah promise." He breathed into her neck.

"I love you." She whispered as she kissed the side of his head. it was quiet for the longest time before he lifted his head and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I love you too."  

Oh my god I am so sorry for the long update but things have been hectic. I just found out I'm going to be a mama! I'm so excited and scared all in one. It took me two days before I told my husband (yes I'm married what kind of girl do you think I am lol) I was worried about telling him, making myself to the point to where I was sick and then when I did tell him he completely freaked. I swear it was like a 5 year old on Christmas morning he was so happy. Sorry just had to get out my exciting news.

ok so I watched the newest episode of the walking dead last night and I just have to say I'm getting mad! Where in the Hell is Beth? and is it just me or does any one else think she was kidnapped? I mean come on her back pack was on the ground and the car took off with out Daryl. if she was driving surely she would have seen him. I think she was kidnapped by the terminus people. I also think they are eating other survivors. Why else where they leading Rick and them to that box car where Glenn and Maggie was? Also that was so wrong about Carl and almost getting raped I applaud rick for protecting his son. Ok rant over. lol. Thank you for reading please comment and vote I love hearing feed back on my story.

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