Chapter 11

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Daryl rushed to Beth's side as Maggie handed the baby off to Glenn so she could finish her work.

"Is she okay?" He asked frantically as Bob pushed the surgical table towards Maggie.

"Shes fine, worn out is all." Bob said as he dipped a wash cloth into some water and pressed it against Beth's sweaty head. "Shell come too soon." Daryl nodded and took the wash cloth from Bob, gently tapping it on Beth's forehead and cheeks. That's baby in Glenn's arms chose that moment to let out a scream that turned into full on sobs.

Daryl froze for the second time since he got back and turned slowly. His son was crying. His son. He handed Bob back the cloth and hesitantly reached out and took his child from Glenn's arms.

"I think he's hungry." Glenn commented as Daryl stroked a finger down his sons cheek.

"I'll make a bottle." Sasha said as she quickly walked around the table to where they had all the baby stuff stored.

"I'm gonna unload the car." Glenn said.

"ill help." Maggie huffed as she covered Beth with a thin sheet. "Nothing else I can do here. I stitched her up to help with the bleeding." She cut her eyes to Daryl and watched as he took the bottle from sasha and coaxed it into the babies mouth.

"He has your eyes." She mummered before following Glenn out to the car. Daryl sat down in a chair beside Beth as he feed the baby. He was aware of the fact that Bob and sasha where cleaning up the mess around him but his eyes never left the small baby in his arms.

His son.

He smiled as he leaned over to Beth and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." He whispered softly as a tear slipped down his face.

"Your welcome." She whispered as a smile spread across her face. He laughed.

"I thought you was asleep." She cracked her eyes open.

"Was. I want to hold my son." She glanced down at the baby and smiled brightly at the sight. "You look good holding a baby." Daryl laughed as he shifted the baby slightly in his arms.

"Wanna hold em?" He asked and Beth nodded frantically.

"Yes. Bob help me up." Bob quickly slipped an arm behind Beth's shoulders and supported her as she sat up. Once she was up she nodded to him. "I got it thanks." He nodded back and slowly removed his arms. Daryl gently shifted the baby into Beth's arms and handed her the bottle. His heart tightened in his chest as he watched her feed his son.

"So what are you going to name him?" Glenn asked as he and Maggie both came back into the room. Beth smiled down at the baby before looking up at Daryl. He scrunched up his face.

"I don't care as long as he a Dixon." Beth smiled brightly as she looked down at her son.

" Hunter." She said softly eyes lifting to Daryl. "Hunter after his father." Daryl quirked an eyebrow. "Your the Hunter of the group.You all ways have been so-"

"Its fine. I like Hunter. Hunter Dixon." He smiled as he leaned forward and stroked a finger down his sons cheek.

"Hunter Merle Dixon." Beth whispered. Daryl chest tightened and he raised his hand cupping Beth's cheek gently.

"Thank you." He whispered before bringing his lips to hers. Beth smiled into the kiss. it was so tender and so unlike Daryl but it was perfect.


Daryl stretched out on the bed his hand resting on Hunters small back. Beth was asleep resting so when Hunter had started to cry he got up and got him. A stinky diaper and bottle later he was back in bed beside Beth his son sleeping on his chest.  

He gently rubbed circles into Hunters small back and sighed. This daddy stuff was coming easier than he thought. But then again it had only been a few hours since the baby was born. There was a soft knock on the door before Maggie poked her head in.

"Hey just wanted to let you know that suppers done if you wanna come eat." Daryl nodded.

"Save me some, im good for now." Maggie smiled softly her eyes trailing to the baby.

"He sure is adorable." Her eyes cut to Beth. "I'll put her up some food too. She needs to eat when she wakes up." Daryl nodded slightly.

"Thanks Mags." She smiled before closing the door softly.

"Did she say something about food?" Beth murmured sleepily. Daryl chuckled.

"Yeah. Ya hungry?" She nodded as she rolled over and smiled when she saw Hunter on Daryl chest.

" Your going to spoil him." She whispered as she stroked his soft cheek.

"So what?" Daryl smirked. "they probably ain't many babies gonna be born in this world might as.well spoil em." Beth frowned slightly.

"What....what if we have to leave here? It's not safe out there with a baby." Daryl turned his head towards beth.

" Hey ill keep you safe, both of you. Nothings going to happen."


So it's short. As you can see Hunter won which worked out cause I used that to name him after Daryl. Anyways this chapter was short cause I have to go to the doc today about my baby, I get to find out how far along I am. I'm so excited. Thank you for reading and remember comment and vote!

A Secret Affair (Daryl Dixon) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now