chapter 18

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Beth woke when a rough hand covered her mouth. Her eyes snapped open to see Daryl, finger to his lips eyes on the bedroom door. She nodded and sucked in a silent breath when he moved his hand from her mouth and pointed at Hunters crib. Silently she scrambled from bed and over to her son. She picked him up slowly so as not to wake him then turned to Daryl who was now in front of her, crossbow pointed at the door.

"What is it?" She whispered gripping his shirt in her fist as she positioned Hunter between them.

"Walkers, don't know how they got in. Glenn went down ta get some water and there was six of em in the living room."Daryl whispered back. He glanced behind him eyes locking with hers. "We gonna make a run for the attic, ever one else is doing the same. Get you and the babies up there then well take care of the walkers." Beth nodded.

"Ok." She whispered her hand still gripped in his shirt. Silently they walked to the door and Daryl pried it open, glancing both directions he pushed the door open more and gestured for Beth to come out. Quickly the ran down the hallway, Beth still clinging to Daryl s shirt. As they rounded a corner Daryl suddenly stopped causing Beth to ram into him and jostle Hunter. His eyes snapped open and a loud shriek came from his lips.

"Fuck." Daryl exclaimed as the two walkers in the hall turned towards them. Beth frantically tried to calm Hunter down but it wasn't working. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Daryl fired his crossbow dropping on walker as he grabbed Beth's arm and hauled her into a bedroom before shooting the other walker.

"Daryl I thought the were down stairs." Beth said rocking the now silent baby gently.

"Yeah me too. Must be more than six." He looked around and cursed. "Gotta get out of this room. We're cornered." His eyes locked onto the window and he ran to it, yanking it open he stuck his head out. "Should be able to climb to the roof window from here." He pulled his head back in just as banging started on the door. He launched himself across the room and against the door.

"Go, get on the roof to the attic. They can't follow you out the window." He said as the banging got more persistent.

"What about you?" She asked and he smirked.

"Be right behind you now go." Beth nodded and rushed to the window, juggling Hunter as she climbed out of it. Daryl watched her disappear out the window and he closed his eyes as the door shook behind him. There was no way he make it to the window before they came crashing through. He let out a slow breath glancing around the room for options. There was a closet with in arms distance, if he could get the door open he might be able to slip in and shut the door before the walkers busted in.

The banging got louder and snarling became deafening meaning there was definitely more than what he had thought. Pushing his back against the door firmly he lifted a foot and stretched it out so the heel of his boot was on the door knob of the closet door. Jerking his foot down the knob turned causing the door to open slightly.

He smiled as he brought his foot back down and reached out with an arm to grab the door. Just as he did wood splintered from the door behind him and he cursed, launching him self forward he had just enough time to grab the closet door and sling himself inside shutting it behind him as the walkers piled into the bedroom.

Chest heaving he pressed himself against the farthest wall from the door and hoisted his cross bow aiming it at the door. He counted his arrows and winced slightly.

only 7.

Depending on how may were out there he might could make it work. Take down seven with the arrows and the others with the knife in his boot. He took a deep breath and straightened this shoulders. He had to make it work, he had a promise to keep to Beth and his son. And he'd be damned if he died in this closet and left them on their own....

Yeah its short and I wasn't really going to go down this path but I thought what the heck the group was getting too cozy and we all know you can't get to comfortable when there are zombies every where lol. Hope you liked the chapter and the future ones as well. Please if you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to let me know. I really enjoy hearing from my readers. And as I said in the last chapter I am sooooo bored so if anyone has any ideas for a chap or one shot hit me up and I'll write it.

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