Happiness Loves Company

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New Year's Day

I wake with long, blonde hair tickling my face and the weight of Tris's head on my chest, her body pressed against my side and her legs tangled in mine. Her face is relaxed and pink lips slightly parted. Beautiful. I immediately remember our incredible start to the new year and smile. Despite the too-bright sunlight streaming through my window and the dull, throbbing headache leftover from drinking a little too much last night, I think this must be the most perfect morning of my life so far.

When I asked Tris to that New Year's Eve party, I never dared imagine the night would end up as it did. Even hoping for a kiss when the ball dropped seemed like wishful thinking. I wanted the party to be a date-honestly, I have wanted each and every time we have spent together this past month to be a date-but I never guessed she could think of it that way yet. I don't know what changed for Tris last night, but I can only hope and pray that she hasn't changed her mind. If she wakes this morning with regret... I don't know what I'll do.

I gently kiss the top of Tris's head before I slip out of bed, careful not to wake her, and put on some boxers. After taking some ibuprofen, drinking a glass of water and using the bathroom, I set a few pills and a bottle of water on the nightstand for Tris before climbing back into bed with her. I never really have been someone who likes to cuddle-with Chris, I would turn over and sleep with my back to her as soon as she fell asleep, and I definitely wouldn't have come back to bed like this. But now, all I want is to keep Tris close. I wrap my arms back around her and pull her close before I close my eyes again. She stirs a little, but then just snuggles closer to me. I smile at the happy little sigh she lets out before her breathing falls back into the slow, steady pattern of sleep, and I begin to drift off, too.


When I open my eyes again, I am met with piercing gray-blue staring back at me. "Morning, handsome," Tris says. Her voice is thick with sleep and she smiles with her eyes. One of my arms serves as her pillow, and she rests one hand on my chest, the other wrapping around my waist.

"Morning, beautiful," I reply, my free hand sliding up her back and into her tangled hair as I pull her into a kiss. Fuck, I want her again already, right now, and I know, pressed against each other like this, she can feel exactly what she does to me. But I pull back and scoot away from her a little. I need to know how she feels about what happened between us.

"So, last night..." I start.

"-was amazing," she interrupts.

I couldn't stop my smile if I tried. "You don't regret it then? Because I mean, we were kind of drunk, and I mean..."

Tris shakes her head. "I definitely don't regret it. Do you?"

I pause, trying to word my answer. "That depends on what you want, Tris," I say slowly. "I don't want this to have just been a hook-up, I want a relationship. I want you to be mine." I hold my breath. If she doesn't want the same thing I do, then as amazing as last night was, it will only hurt that much more when she rejects me.

Tris cups my cheek with her hand as she gives me a shy smile and bites her lip. "I want that too, Tobias." Then she leans in and kisses me, then pulls away and smiles.

"So now does that mean I can call you my girlfriend instead of 'my Tris'?" I ask, smirking.

Tris laughs. "I think it does." She rolls away from me and gets out of bed, and I instantly feel the loss and pout. "I'm going to take a shower," she says, picking up my t-shirt from the floor and pulling it over her head. She doesn't even put on panties. Then she pauses at the door and looks back at me with one eyebrow raised. "You coming?"

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