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Hey there! This is your author speaking! You can call me by name, Jayd, or by my username, or AuthorLady. I prefer the last one :) Anyway, I just wanted to let my readers know that I am here for you and I really do care what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome but destructive criticism is not. Any unflattering comments or insulting words directed towards my work or any of my commenters will not be entertained or tollerated. Next order of business: right now I am in the middle of editing some things so if you see any mistakes that I may have missed please feel free to let me know. If you can be specific it would help alot. I believe my ranting is about done. Enjoy everyone :)

It was on a terribly foggy winter evening that the two great queens of Liam and Sahara gave birth to their children at the stroke of midnight. Queen Vita of Sahara gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and gave her the Italian name of Bellezza which means beauty. Queen Milis of Liam gave birth to a baby boy, and gave him the Irish name of Amharach meaning lucky.

Because of the ironic births of the children, they were to be married by the age of 17.

A year after the two births, Queen Milis was pregnant with her second child. It was to be girl and she was due any day now. She spent the longest time watching her eldest son sleeping peacefully in his crib. His curly blonde hair framed his face like a golden halo, complimenting his perfectly fair skin. Milis watched her son as he breathed in and out slowly, forever lost in blissful sleep. Later that night she and her husband, Erik, quietly got into bed for some much needed rest.

Very early the next morning, the queen awoke to an intense pain. Her water had broken during the night and her daughter was well on her way.  Eric called in a maid who phoned the midwife. Milis and her husband were ushered into another room leaving a young maid in charge of their son who was still sleeping soundly. She, like many other women of the castle, was in awe at the young prince’s beauty.

In the small kingdom of Liam, many people disliked King Eric and his queen. Many tried to kill him. But when they were unsuccessful, they would be killed themselves. Three men of low stature jogged towards the castle, hiding in the shadows of the darkness. They conducted a plan to steal Prince Amharach and kill him. They, like many of the other low stature peasants of the kingdom, couldn’t imagine the horror the future king would bring to the already crumbling civilization. The men wanted to kill the prince to spare their children and grandchildren from the poverty they have now.

They scaled the castle wall and watched from the window as the maid caressed the prince’s face. All at once they invaded the castle. The first man grabbed the maid and muffled her screams of terror and horror. The other two men grabbed the prince who had now begun to shriek as if he knew the danger he was in. Knowing that they could have no witnesses, the first man stabbed the young maid in the chest. Her screams died rather rapidly. The man dropped the lifeless body and watched his accomplices wield their knives to kill the screaming the child.

The door to the chamber room slammed open. A guard had heard the faint cries of the maid and the shrieks of his prince. Upon seeing the knife poised above the defenseless child, he called to the other patrolling guards. He began to advance towards the invaders when the first two men leaped from the tower window with the prince. Before the third man could get away, the guard caught him by his arm and bound his wrists. He yelled orders to his men, telling them to surround the castle and capture the thieves.

The two remaining men ran into the Abernathy Forest, hoping to escape the advancing guards but their cries pierced the sky and the two men knew that they had little time left. As they ran, the second man fell to his knees in pain. The guards had shot him in the leg with a crossbow. More arrows rushed by the last man’s ears. He looked down at the shrieking child and dropped him. The man continued to run without looking back. The guards had captured two of the three invaders and third man was nowhere to be seen. When they didn’t find the prince before sunrise, they returned to the castle to plan and strategize a way to find their prince.

Soon, Amharach’s shrieks of terror grew louder from neglect. The sun had well risen and still no one could find him. A passing villager heard the cries and approached the forest with caution. Her name was Hope and she lived with her husband, Henry. Since finding out that she could not have any children, she has never found any happiness in her life. When Hope stumbles upon the poor baby boy, she believes it is a gift from the Gods. Her prayers of a child had been answered. She took the baby to her cottage and her and her husband put the child in a crib that had been made for Hope’s own child. When the baby boy was sound asleep in his new bed, the couple decided to name him Abernathy because it was where their miracle was dropped.

Meanwhile, the king and queen returned to their chamber in tears. The devastated queen had the maid place her new born daughter, Neamh, into her room which she demanded to be heavily guarded.  The king and queen stared at the empty crib and wept with loss and sorrow. But hope still clutched the queen’s heart as her husband released a search warrant for the remaining thief and his son. Every day, Milis stood by the window where her son was taken and watched each passing villager hoping that one day one of them would be her son.

Hey there. It's me again.

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